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Jurisprudence essay

Jurisprudence essay

Essay On Jurisprudence,The matrix of jurisprudence consists of three major concepts:

WebEvery essay MUST have an introduction and a conclusion. The introduction has a very precise form: (i) it outlines your main thesis. This must return directly to the question and WebMay 12,  · Jurisprudence as a Theory in Law Jurisprudence. As a theory in law, Jurisprudence involves varying philosophical perceptions about the purposes of law, WebJurisprudence Essays Essay examples Essay topics 18 essay samples found Jurisprudence on the Right of Ownership and Possession Introduction The concept of WebThe research deals with the core idea of therapeutic jurisprudence and how it effects people placing reliance on various laws and legal practices prevalent in the legal WebJurisprudence Essay In Laws Empire Philosophy Essay Reference this Share this: Facebook Twitter Reddit LinkedIn WhatsApp Dworkins theory of law focuses mainly on ... read more

Analytic jurisprudence is concern with the inquisitive nature of the academics. Normative jurisprudence concern the law which need to be in an ideal world. When writing a jurisprudence essays, always remember to limit your essay according to the instructions given. Jurisprudence essays require one to resolve the legal controversy. It is not advisable to tell the reader in the first paragraph what your argument is all about. But it is more exciting if the reader does a jurisprudential scavenger hunt. Write a conclusion that summarizes the entire essay.

It is not advisable to add any new information in the conclusion part. Conclusion part should not be large but should be made up of only one paragraph. By understanding what is required from you, will guarantee high grade in this type of essay. Clearly, identify the legal authority and critical evaluation of the essay. One characteristic of jurisprudence essay is it should be simple and concise. Reassure the examiner that the essay was easy by carrying out thorough research from various sources. Let the argument follow one another in a systematic way.

Cornell University. Title 18 -- Crimes and Criminal Procedure, Part I -- Crimes,. Chapter 79 -- Perjury. Retrieved 7 Aug. Kennedy, Rick. A History of Reasonableness: Testimony and Authority in the Art of Thinking. Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press. Lichtman, Robert M. And Cohen, Ronald D. Deadly Farce: Harvey Matusow and the Informer System in the McCarthy Era. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press. During this Diaspora, the African Slave Trade transferred million people from one continent to another with major repercussions on cultural and political traditions in the New World.

There have been a number of modern Diasporas based on the post-Cold War world in which huge populations of refugees migrated from conflict, especially from developing countries Southeast Asia, China, Afghanistan, Iran, Latin America, South American, Rwanda, etc. Part 1. In Civil law, laws are written into a codified collection that is a group of ideas and systems that work in tandem to help organize societies without the need for judicial interpretation. Overall, civil law is in place to formulate general principles and to distinguish substantive rules from procedural rules, and is based on the tenet that legislation is the primary source of law.

Conceptually, civil law is a group…. In principle, Dworkin argues that the truth is always knowable for any given factual circumstances; the difficulty is that the human intellect is imperfect. In the same way, there is a finite number of individual particles of sand on the earth at any moment in time. Human intellect and capabilities are incapable of determining that precise number; it would require a hypothetically limitless intellectual capacity. Judge Hercules possesses that infinite intelligence and also has the luxury of infinite time for contemplation.

Dworkin suggests that Judge Hercules would always make the right decision and that the role of human judges is simply to aspire to be as Hercules-like as possible. Dworkin's Judge Hercules is very similar to John Rawls' allegory about the veil of ignorance that he uses to illustrate the meaning of objective justice. Principle vs. Policy To explain the importance of valuing principle over policy in the construct and…. Though six other Justices joined in overturning Staples' conviction, it was Justice Thomas who wrote the majority opinion, and he makes it clear that anything not explicitly allowed or made illegal by the law -- either in the Government's actions or in the actions of individual citizens -- is left to individual or local, it is implied discretion Oyez How Do You Get to the Supreme Court?

estraint, estraint, estraint In keeping with his generally conservative politics, Justice Thomas is also an advocate of judicial restraint. The Staples case demonstrates this quite clearly, as do other of his published rulings. In Archer et ux v. Warner , Justice Thomas dissented form the majority opinion, which used what was considered the intent of a bankruptcy exemption for fraud to overturn the decisions of lower courts and demand that the Warners pay the Archers a previously agreed-upon settlement Oyez Fraser, N. Gerber, S. First principles: The jurisprudence of Clarence Thomas.

New York: New York University Press. Klonick, K. Overby, L; Henschen, B. An analysis of the Senate confirmation vote on Justice Clarence Thomas. One thinks of the arren Court, and the great number of decisions concerning civil rights, voting rights, etc. It is often not realized, however, to what an extent state judges play ar ole in shaping these issues. In many state court systems, the state system was actually more liberal than the Federal: First and foremost, state constitutions may be used not only to broaden rights but also to restrict them. They are far easier to amend than the U. Therefore, forces within a state dissatisfied with liberal court interpretations of the fundamental state law may, without nearly the same effort required on the federal level, undo those rulings In Florida voters adopted an amendment to the state constitutional search and seizure provision, requiring the provision to be "be construed in conformity with the 4th Amendment to….

However, the point of mergence between the two theories has been given a name for itself and it is known as the Overlap Thesis. Overall, the natural law theory of law is used to refer to the analysis of legal systems and philosophical issues of law. Among those who sought that natural law has no valid grounds is Leo Strauss who was convinced that it has to be refused on the premises of history and of the differences between facts and values. To most of those who oppose natural law, human knowledge and thought is characterized by the historical interpretation and history is time-bound and thus unable to encompass something which is eternal. Another reason natural law has been criticized is because of its ontological and epistemological suggestions.

In regards to the former, it has been noted that no matter the way reality is perceived, whether from a theological point-of-view,…. Rothbard, Murray N. The Ethics of Liberty. New York and London: New York University Press, Combating Domestic Abuse in the United States Domestic Abuse In the United States, intimate partner violence afflicted nearly 4 out of 1, persons aged 12 or older in , down from 1 in in Catalano, This translates into 0. Females are victimized more often than males, however, with one male victimized for every six females. Family violence victimization rates were similar, with about 2. To put this statistic in perspective, approximately one in ten violent victimizations within the U.

is the result of family violence. The gradual decline in domestic violence rates could be due to…. Catalano, S. Intimate partner violence, NCJ Bureau of Justice Statistics, Office of Justice Programs, U. Department of Justice. Domestic Assault by an Habitual Offender, 18 U. Durose, M. Family violence statistics: Including statistics on strangers and acquaintances. Retrieved from Bureau of Justice Statistics, Office of Justice Programs, U. Kolpack, D. ND man sentenced in pivotal domestic violence case. Native American Times. Padilla v. Kentucky: Implications for U. Immigration This paper provides a review of the relevant literature concerning the case, Padilla v. Kentucky,[footnoteef:1] discussing citizenship, and similar predicaments in other countries.

It is this paper's thesis that the decision in Padilla has significant implications for defense lawyers who must now become familiar with the complexities of immigration law or retain counsel to assist them in this area. Established in Strickland v. Washington, the test for ineffective assistance of counsel is comprised of two parts: 1 defendants must first show that their counsel was constitutionally deficient and 2 show that the deficiency prejudiced the result of their case. Atkins, K. Defense Counsel's Duty to Warn About. Lawyers Weekly USA, November 8. Borden, Jeremy Immigrants Take Guilty Pleas without Lawyers, Face Deportation, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, A-6, February 3, Brink, Malia A Gauntlet Thrown: The Transformative Potential of Padilla V.

Schall, In addition to a lightened burden of proof and broader definition there were two additional changes resulting from the amendment which served to positively affect the impact and ultimate effectiveness of the legislation. This amendment clarified the fact that judges are not allowed to assess possible mitigating factors such as medication, corrective surgery, or specialized equipment in the determination of whether or not an individual is disabled. This change is directly related to the Sutton case. Further the amendments clarified the definition of major life activities. This amendment relates directly to the Williams case in which a judge deemed that Carpal Tunnel wasn't in fact a significant impairment to major life activities, it merely precluded her from successfully completing specific tasks in the work place.

Though the language of the Act is still quite ambiguous, these changes help to clarify and protect the intention of the act. Schall, C. The Americans with Disabilities Act -- Are we keeping our promise? An analysis of the effect of the ADA on the employment of persons with disabilities. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 10 3 , pp. Stowe, M. Interpreting "place of public accommodation" under Title III of the ADA: A technical determination with potentially broad civil rights implications. Duke Law Journal, pp. Grabois, R. Accessibility of primary care physicians' offices for people with disabilities: An analysis of compliance with the American with Disabilities Act.

Archives of Family Medicine, 8, pp. The primary step is to change the mindset of lawyers. They have to stop believing that they run the show and instead focus them as members of a team along with the judge to ensure that the legal system works for the innocent people in the right direction. Its important that every lawyer strikes a balance between his or her obligations to the clients and the justice system. As a supplement, more stringent laws should be implemented and the actions of the prosecution should come under closer scrutiny to ensure that they will abide by the ethics and professional code of conduct as laid down by the lawmakers.

Plan for administrators "Few problems can pose a greater threat to free, democratic societies than that of wrongful conviction -- the conviction of an innocent person. Yet relatively little attention has been paid to this problem, perhaps because…. Aspen, Marvin. July Let Us Be Officers of the Court. ABA Journal. Huff, Ronald; Rattner, Arye; Sagarin, Edward; MacNara, Donal. October Guilty Until Proved Innocent: Wrongful Conviction and Public Policy. Crime Delinquency. In these instances, a state might claim that the international community has acted beyond its jurisdiction as limited in Article 38 by allowing some action. Such an action is exemplified by the dispute between the NAT and Yugoslavia regarding ethnic cleansing in Kosovo.

Here, Yugoslavia filed an application for proceedings through the ICJ against the United States for its use of force in Kosovo, invoking Article Accordingly, the ICJ reports that "as to Article 38, paragraph 5, of the Rules of Court, it provides that when a State files an application against another State which has not accepted the jurisdiction of the Court, the application is transmitted to that other State, but no action is taken in the proceedings unless and until that State has accepted the Court's jurisdiction for the purposes of the case. Perkins, S. International Human Rights Law and Article 38 1 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice.

Institute on Public International Law of the American Association of Law Libraries. The doctrine of good faith and fair dealing is like the idea of fairness, is simple to expressive but hard to relate with accuracy. Most lawyers know the policy in the circumstance of personal property sales for the reason that the Uniform Commercial Code is clear on that issue. The principle is frequently murky though in regards to other matters. The principle is additionally clouded when courts and critics merge it with ideas such as disclosure, misrepresentation and fraud.

Causes of action based on contract law join with those founded in tort. With the ensuing mess of conflicting legal principles, it is not unexpected that courts take a fact exact move toward deciding cases and, in doing so, often reach conflicting conclusions Walsh, n. There have been two significant efforts to establish the connotation of good faith and to figure out what kind of conduct the duty commands. Weigand, Tory a. The Duty of Good Faith and Fair Dealing in Commercial. Uniform Commercial Code. Retrieved December 15, , from Cornell University Law.

The history of communism and fascism is replete with such nauseating disrespect for the common customs and mores of people that gird the very structures of society. e do not always see these microlaws, but they are there and have validity and society only invades upon them with great danger. In addition to local common law, microlegal systems guide and gird international law as well. As defined by Philip Adott in the Concept of International Law, "micro-legal systems of treaties…are an integral part of a society's legal self-constituting, its self-ordering through law…the international legal system…contains a customary form of law, and treaties have a complex and subtle relationship to customary international law Adott, , pp.

Adott, Philip. The concept of international law. European Journal of International Law, 10, Hidary, Rabbi Dr. Minhag and halakhah in the talmuds: a cross-. cultural study. Reisman, W. Law in brief encounters. New Haven, CT: Yale University. The Da Costa ruling, however, determined that any ruling of the European Court of Justice must necessarily apply to all national courts when interpreting Community Law Craig In this way, the law is guaranteed to be applied evenly in and in the same manner in all member nation courts when deciding Community Law issues, whereas prior to this ruling differing interpretations of the same facets of Community Law could be applied to the same issue.

It is important to note that this ruling does not affect the various national courts of the member nations of the European Union when interpreting national law, and in fact the European Union and its various courts, including the European Court of Justice, have no sway over such interpretations, as the European Union is not a true federal entity Craig In this way, while ensuring the equitable interpretation of Community Law in all…. Craig, P. New York: Oxford University Press. Freestone, D. The institutional framework of the European Communities. new York: Oxford University Press. Slapper, G. The English legal system. New York: Routledge. The United States Supreme Court ruled in favor of Illinois and argued that the Fourteenth Amendment was designed to protect against race discrimination only…" Gibson, , Background to Muller v.

Oregon section ¶ 1. The Court ruled that the Fourteenth Amendment did not include the protection of women's rights. The following depicts Justice Bradley's concurring opinion regarding Bradwell's Man is, or should be, woman's protector and defender. The natural and proper timidity and delicacy which belongs to the female sex evidently unfits it for many of the occupations of civil life. The constitution of the family organization, which is founded in the divine ordinance, as well in the nature of things, indicates the domestic sphere as that which properly belongs to the domain and functions of womanhood The paramount destiny and mission of woman are to fulfill the noble and benign offices of wife and mother. This is the law…. Babcock, Barbara Allen. Sex Discrimination and the Law: Causes.

Retrieved April 3,. The Columbia World of Quotations. Columbia University Press. New York. The Fourteenth Amendment is specifically concerned with due process. Moreover, while due process may not be violated by allowing states to establish different guidelines for their criminal trials and procedures than those established in the federal system, the Court seems to recognize that if something has been established as a necessary minimum to guarantee due process in the federal system, it will also be the minimum in the states. One thing about this case, and about most states' existing criminal systems, is that it differentiates between misdemeanors and felonies, by providing that those charged with felonies are entitled to an appointed attorney.

However, the distinction between misdemeanors and felonies seems untenable; people charged with misdemeanors face the threat of the loss of liberty and property. If due process cannot be protected without an attorney, and the Court feels that this threat is the same regardless of the degree of punishment,…. Anxious to return to law in , O'Connor won a seat as a trial judge on the Maricopa Superior Court In Babbit, who had been elected governor, appointed O'Connor to the Arizona Court of Appeals an intermediate appellate court. O'Connor is also said to have held that her nomination to the Supreme Court was "a classic example of being the right person in the right spot…. The Battle for the Court Begins; Democrats Warn Bush to Consult.

The Washington Times, p. Friedman, L. Their Lives and Major Opinions Vol. New York: Chelsea House. Perry, B. A Representative Supreme Court? The Impact of Race, Religion, and Gender on Appointments. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. Stevenson, R. Greenhouse L. rime rates do not drop with restrictions on gun control because crimes have been shown to be intent driven rather than means driven. Which simply means that those who are interested in committing crimes will usually do so given any access or restrictions standards? It is evident from this analysis that guns have little impact upon crime rates. However, gun control advocacies use misinformation to present a dangerous position to the public. Another important factor in media manipulation is the use of specific misinformation to influence public opinion to support severity within gun legislation.

Popular gun control advocacies use strong statistics to influence the public into perceiving that gun control is not only needed, but that gun violence is an escalating crime that needs to provide greater security mandates. Oftentimes they use deceiving statistics as a means to manipulate public opinion on the prevalence of firearms. For instance, the Brady…. Counting Guns, Randolph Roth. Social Science History winter Would Banning Firearms reduce Murder and Suicide? A Review of international evidence, Gary a. Bepress Legal Series paper Shooting down the more guns, less crime hypothesis, John J. Center for the study of law and society Jurisprudence and social policy program. However, this Court also recognizes that mental illness oftentimes differs from other immutable characteristics, such as mental retardation and age, in that a defendant oftentimes has the ability to control mental illness through medical interventions.

hile there is tremendous evidence of Panetti's deteriorated mental state, there is very little evidence to support Panetti's assertions that he was insane at the time of the murders. Though there are serious questions regarding Panetti's competency to stand trial, much less his competency to represent himself in that trial, there simply does not appear to be any evidence that he was insane at the time of the murders. Panetti engaged in preparations that were rationally aimed at accomplishing the murder of his in-laws, but was able to refrain from killing his wife and child.

In addition, he engaged in a stand-off with police that resulted in him escaping the stand-off without being killed and…. Or, as Saletan points out, those three elements "by deduction, are the due process test" But this ought to leave a bad taste in one's mouth because all three of these elements can be manipulated to violate one's due process right. If the target is a suspected terrorist, "imminence" can be redefined to justify killing him. If the weapon is a drone, feasibility of arrest has already been ruled out -- that's why the drone has been sent to do the job.

So in any drone strike on a U. citizen suspected of terrorism, only one of the three questions we supposedly apply to such cases is really open: Has he been fighting alongside al-Qaida? If he has, we can kill him. That's the same rule we apply to foreigners. In effect, citizenship doesn't matter. The "due process" test is empty"…. Cornell University Law School. Bill of Rights from Cornell University Law. html amendmentv. Lithwick, D. Murder Conviction Most Foul: What Justin Wolfe's case in Virginia tells us about death row cases everywhere. Unlike other areas of the law, the study of criminal procedure has undergone major transformations as a result of the decisions of the last three courts, the Warren, Burger and ehnquist courts.

These three courts have changed the legal landscape in the cases involving criminal procedure and, in the process; have created a great deal of controversy Bloom, The application of the Bill or ights to the states has been an acrimonious issue in the U. Supreme Court for a number of years. It all began when the Warren Court began applying the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments directly against the states, under a doctrine that became to be known as selective incorporation. The Warren Court used the selective incorporation method…. Atwater v. City of Lago Vista, U. Supreme Court April 24, California v.

Minjares, U. Supreme Court August 22, It is difficult to say whom the Supremacy Clause affects in particular, and why, because it has the potential to impact all Americans. For example, many of the ground-breaking Supreme Court decisions in recent time are based in some way on the Supremacy Clause. For example, the famous Civil ights Supreme Court decisions such as Loving v. Virginia, U. Board of Education, U. However, it is important to realize that they can only do so based on the fact that the states do not have the power to deprive citizens of their constitutionally protected rights. Those decisions have had a significant wide-ranging impact on all Americans; while the U. has yet to achieve full equality; it is fair to suggest that, without them, much of America would still be in Jim….

Indeed, this understanding of the Marshall court comes full circle: The Court is the most cutting edge front of American legal society, casting decisions that are years ahead of what the general populace often wants, according to Armstrong and Woodward, but the Court is also a conservative vestige of administrations past because of lifetime tenure. That is why the most influential Courts are those in which an appointed justice does not conform to the expectations of his presidential appointer, but rather strikes out on his or her own with a body of decisions that counter the president's and former administration's ideas.

Opinion The viewpoint of Armstrong and Woodward as presented in "The Brethren" is a much more forgiving look at the Court's influence than the viewpoint presented in our text. However, "The Brethren" looks at the Court with its own jaded eyes as well. The book understands that justices are…. Rule of Law and Extra-Legal Doctrines The rule of law does not need to be supported or expanded by "extra-legal" doctrines of morality. The laws as they exist today in this country are based upon a system of morality that has evolved over thousands of years. Our laws embody this system of morality and do not need to be supported by other doctrines of morality.

Moral notions of good and bad laws exist to prevent the government from abusing the rights of its citizens. In order for the rule of law to allow a government to exercise power, governments should not execute laws in arbitrary fashion. Those who make and enforce the law are themselves bound to adhere to it. Lin's release from MCF has had the effect of rendering his lawsuit moot. In this case, M. Lin was incarcerated at the time the lawsuit was filed, but not at the time it is being decided. Thus, M. Lin's cause of action fails on the issue of mootness. Additionally, of the six members whom were denied visitation privileges, five of them have had sons which whom were formerly incarcerated at MCF, but now have been released. The son of the sixth MOM member asserting denial of visitation privileges died after his release from MCF.

Thus, all of the six members of MOM claims will fail as a result of mootness. RIPENESS AUTHORITY The controversy must be ripe for decision; ripeness bars consideration of claims before they have fully developed. A case may be dismissed as unripe where a statute has never been enforced and there is no real…. Positive Philosophy in Law Thomas Aquinas and Hans Kelsen held that the law enforced by human courts is indeed a positive law. Legal philosophers have since come up with a flurry of arguments claiming that positive law must have its source and content. These philosophers were and are of contention that the court's core mandate should be that of harmonizing heterogeneous sources of law into a coherent body of law for ease of administration of justice.

Sources of law can be drawn from the ancient oman law, legislation, custom, precedent and equity, raw materials processed by courts into genuine law, statutes, precedents, and opinions of experts. With regard to content, law should be enforced to administer justice Murphy, Lahey, B. Causes of Conduct Disorder and Juvenile. Murphy, J. The philosophy of positive law: foundations of jurisprudence. New Haven. setting background presented set main tenets major legal systems explain select preferred forum resolving legal disputes business,. This assignment intended demonstrate basic understanding legal system adopted United States identifying main tenets comparing contrasting main tenets major legal system.

Legal system The United States of America is currently the largest economy of the globe, and the source of most technological innovations and social advancements. Aside from these accomplishments, the U. is also reputable for its approach to people, given that it implements a legal system protecting the rights of the people, rather than seeking to stifle them, as it happens in other regions of the globe. The legal system in the U. then is centered on the people and their well-being, and the laws and legislations are created based on the Anglo-American common law system.

At this level then, the focus of the current project falls on the assessment of…. Lengeling, D. Common law and civil law -- differences, reciprocal influences and points of intersection. pdf accessed on January 22, Key features of common law or civil law systems. World Bank. Common law system. The Free Dictionary by Farlex. Criminal laws in the United States are largely and totally considered as the result of the constitutional authority and legislative bodies that enact them. The American constitution normally provides the basis for the development of legislative agencies that are empowered to criminal and other legislations. For instance, the country's constitution has established the Congress and provides it with the power to make laws. The importance of the Constitution to the substantive criminal law is evident from the fact that it establishes limits on the definitions of crime.

In most cases, the criminal laws of specific states and federal governments as well as the definition of crimes and their respective penalties are found in the penal codes of every jurisdiction. The establishment of criminal legislations in the United States has evolved through the years and is based on several fundamental principles. Creation of Laws in the United States: Most of the…. Kelly, M. Early Development of the United States Court System. Retrieved March 19,. UIC -- University Library. Retrieved from University.

Montejo v. Louisiana, U. Supreme Court, Montejo was picked up for questioning the next day and after waiving his rights under Miranda v. Arizona U. When Montejo was arraigned two days later in court, he stood mute as the court appointed counsel. A few hours after the arraignment, police detectives visited Montejo at the jail U. During the end of the ensuing discussion, Montejo waved his Miranda rights and agreed to take them to the murder weapon. During the trip to locate the murder weapon, Montejo wrote a letter of apology to the victim's widow. The defense attempted to suppress the letter of…. Bretz, Emily. Don't answer the door: Montejo v.

Louisiana relaxes police restrictions for questioning non-custodial defendants. Michigan Law Review, , Louisiana: certiorari to the Supreme Court of Louisiana. Centralia Mine Explosion Throughout the annals of the American industrialized age, countless tragedies have occurred within the workplace and these incidents have forced the public at large to consider the weighty issue of applying moral precepts to the realm of public administration. While the tomes of American jurisprudence are littered with examples of corporate enterprises and bureaucratic entities failing to uphold their basic responsibilities, perhaps no case has demonstrated the capacity to generate both outrage and activism as readily as The Blast in Centralia No. Authored by John Bartlow Martin, this seminal case study examines the unique confluence of internal and external circumstances which eventually resulted in the explosion of Centralia Mine No.

By carefully retracing the series of events preceding the actual explosion, including a history of the Centralia…. Hartley, R. Death underground: The centralia and west frankfort mine disasters. Chicago, IL: Southern Illinois University Press. Fanning, F. Public sector safety professionals: Focused on activity or results?. Perspectives Newsletter, 6 3 , Martin, J. The blast in centralia no. Protecting Liberty Individual rights Bill of ights defines the protections afforded individual citizens under the Constitution against excessive government intrusions into private lives and arbitrary prosecutions. These rights are contained in the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the U. Since these Amendments were first adopted by the ratifying states the courts have interpreted the intent of each and created rules that attempt to keep the government from running roughshod over these rights.

In , the Federal ules of Criminal Procedures were generated by the Supreme Court and Congress turned them into law LII, One of the most important rights is to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures under the Fourth Amendment LII, A warrant issued by a magistrate or judge is typically required before a police officer can enter a private citizen's residence or other property and conduct a search. In addition, the focus…. ACLU American Civil Liberties Union. The Bill of Rights: A brief history. Retrieved 17 Sep. Bilz, Kenworthy. Dirty hands or deterrence? An experimental examination of the exclusionary rule. Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, 9 1 , LII Legal Information Institute.

Criminal procedure. Legal Information Institute, Cornell University Law School. Wilson, Melanie D. An exclusionary rule for police lies. American Criminal Law Review, 47 1 , Parens Patriae Four alleged juvenile delinquents in the Marion County Juvenile Court were tested for competency under the adult competency statute, were found to be incompetent and were ultimately ordered to the mental health division of Indiana. The mental health division unsuccessfully moved to vacate that order, and then appealed to the Indiana Court of Appeals. The Indiana Court of Appeals upheld the lower court's order.

However, the Indiana Supreme Court reversed the order and remanded the case s for further proceedings. The two lower courts did not affectively apply Parens Patriae but the Supreme Court effectively applied the Doctrine. Summary of In Re K. was a 12? year-old boy accused of sexual battery, D. was a 10? year-old boy accused of child molesting, D. was an 11? year-old boy accused of arson and J. was a 13? year-old girl accused of burglary and theft. All four alleged juvenile delinquents: were in the Marion County…. Though the doctrine was developed in English Common Law, American jurisprudence usually applies Parens Patriae to the state's ability to protect the best interests of children, the mentally ill and other persons who are somehow legally incompetent to manage their own affairs Fairlex, Inc.

The first two categories are self-explanatory and the third category might include a senile or comatose person, for example. Before discussing whether the courts appropriately applied Parens Patriae, it must be. Legal Transplants The objective of this study is to discuss and compare two legal transplants with reference to at least one African or Asian legal system. For the purpose of this work, Turkey and legal transplants will be examined. The work of Orucu states that Chiba relates the "concept of legal pluralism…as an effective attack on the common sense of orthodox jurisprudence by rejecting the 'oneness of state law as law or university of western law.

Dai, J. Journal of Politics and Law, Sept. Gunderson, JL and Waelde, TW Legislative Reform In Transition Economies: Western Transplants -- a Short-Cut to Social Market Economy Status? ICQL , 43 2 , Oguz, A. Pace International Law Review. Article 9. Fall Orucu, E. Int J. Justice System vs. India's Justice System This paper compares the system of justice in India with the system of justice in the United States. Although they are both democracies -- in fact India is the biggest democratic country in the world -- the two countries are quite different in their approach to formal justice. Moreover, the system of justice in India has been the subject of a great deal of criticism in recent years due to the corruption that has been found in the system.

Comparing the U. And Indian Justice Systems The legal system in India is backed by the Indian Constitution and is a mix of "adversarial and accusatorial," according to the Loyola University in Chicago LU. There is an attempt to respect both Hindu and Muslim jurisprudence and to "preserve the timeworn tenets of both" LU. In rural areas of India, an informal system of justice…. Bhushan, Prashant. Country Listing. India: The Criminal Justice System. Center for Children's Law and Policy. Global Corruption Report Corruption in Judicial Systems. New York: Cambridge. Loyola Library. Criminal Justice System in India. Retrieved September 14, ,. Officer Accountability A police officer's proven dishonesty is not a minor matter. Ignoring or covering up that dishonesty, if discovered, could be devastating to the police department's credibility.

Finally, the prosecution is required to hand that information to defendants' attorneys. Simultaneously, the officer has served the department for 15 years with only 2 "bad" incidents. Handling this officer's proven dishonesty will require swift action that is fair to the department, the Prosecutor's office and this officer. Decision: Remove The Officer From Active Duty And Offer Him An Alternate Departmental Job That ould Never Entail His Testimony In Court Facts: You are the Chief of Police of a municipality. Your Deputy Chief of Police advises you that one of your…. Bernstein, C. Woodward ad Bernstein: 40 years after Watergate, Nixon was far worse than we thought. Retrieved on June 29, from www.

Brady v. Maryland - U. Retrieved on June 29, from Supreme. Giglio v. United States - U. Retrieved on June 29, from supreme. United States v. Bagley - U. Runaway Jury -- a legal thriller based on a John Grisham novel -- does not necessarily enhance the viewer's knowledge of the law, but it certainly offers an expansive view of one way of breaking the law. The film is concerned with the rise of the contemporary "jury consultant," most often used in large-scale consumer liability lawsuits such as the one depicted in the film.

The legal case in Runaway Jury concerns the liability of gun manufacturers for deaths caused by their products: intriguingly Grisham's original novel dealt with similar liability cases regarding tobacco, common in the U. In the s, but was altered for the screenplay. To a certain extent, this change indicates that Grisham's, and the film's, focus was never on the legal issue at stake in the actual trial. The real legal focus regards the thin line between "jury consultancy" and "jury tampering" that is demonstrated…. Criminal Code of Canada R. Runaway Jury. Starring John Cusack, Gene Hackman, Dustin Hoffmann. Gayle, CanLII ON C. Vidmar, Neil. World Jury Systems. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, Attorneys of every ilk are consistently and constantly faced with decisions that test their ethical considerations.

Corporate attorneys faced with illegal activities, divorce attorneys faced with familial consequences, defense attorneys defending sometimes guilty clients, medical attorneys pursuing lawsuits on trivial matters, and even attorneys who represent politicians and policy makers are all examples of attorneys who, at some point in their illustrious careers, are faced with ethical situations that will test their mettle. Oftentimes attorneys will necessarily be taken into their client's confidence regarding situations that are questionable. The question this paper will focus on is 'when is it ethical for an attorney to betray a client's confidence?

Importance The importance of the study is that it…. Asimow, M. Basile, M. Cardozo Law Review, Vol. Dent, Jr. Freedman, M Professional responsibility of the criminal defense lawyer: The three hardest questions, Michigan Law Review, Vol. Issue 8, pp. In an effort…. According to Sh-fi , the Muslims inherit it on…. In Johnson v…. Further, other…. The rule of law allows…. ole of Judges in Human ights Jurisprudence esearch shows that there is some criticism when it comes to The United Kingdom's Human ights Act HA , which combined the…. y introducing stem cells…. Constitutionality of a Postcard-Only Mail Policy Postcard-Only Prison Mail Policy Constitutionality of a Prison Postcard-Only Mail Policy The Constitutionality of a Prison Postcard-Only Mail Policy The state Department of….

In fact, according…. No where is this tension more apparent…. According to the court's judgment in favor of the plaintiff, no further evidence as to the source of the muscle atrophy in his shoulder and arm, because "the thing…. The Origins and Characteristics of the Law and Legal Systems in the United States The origins and…. The reference to Montesquieu as well as to Smith in that part of the 'Dissertation' which deals with the 'Progress of Philosophy during the Seventeenth Century' was made just…. Sandra O'Connor Sandra Day was born on March 26, in El Paso, Texas to Harry and Ada Mae, owners of the Lazy--Cattle ranch in Southeastern Arizona, where Sandra…. Both of these perspectives are, from Hart's perspective, too extreme: he wants a legal theory which would be free from moral evaluations or moral commitments unlike Finnis' approach , while….

As long as a person acts in a way which avails the person of the protection of the laws of that…. He felt that no matter how arbitrary, cruel or….

Introduction The concept of ownership and possession is one of the fundamental juristic concepts common to all systems of law. This concept of ownership has been discussed by most of the writers before that of possession. However, it is not the right method. The idea of possession came first in the minds of people and it was later on that the idea of ownership came into existence. The idea of ownership and possession developed with the development of the civilization […]. This will require an in-depth analysis of the theory and the principles of postmodernism.

Further, in order to answer this question one must assess the principles that interpose themselves in law, namely the role of sex. Feminist jurisprudence can be said to be a theory that stands out from the classic theories that occupy the thoughts in jurisprudence. Feminism can be defined […]. Moral questions impact the law at every corner. It is therefore in judicial discretion that the perception of law is segregated into two main schools of thought: legal naturalism and positivism. The naturalistic claim that the very essence of law is its morality […]. INDEX Roscoe Pound — Introduction Social Engineering Interest Theory Jural Postulates Criticism Case Law Conclusion Bibliography Roscoe Pound — Introduction Roscoe Pound was one of the leading figures in twentieth-century legal thought.

In the early decades of the century, Pound was viewed as a radical thinker for arguing that […]. Forensic science, also known as criminalistics, also known as the application of science to criminal and civil laws, mainly on the criminal side during criminal investigation, by the legal standards of admissible evidence and criminal procedure. Forensic science collect, preserve, and analyze scientific evidence during the course of an investigation. While some scientists travel to the scene of the crime to collect the evidence themselves, others occupy a laboratory role, performing analysis on objects brought to them by other individuals. Inure the reality of forensic science has been circumference for a very long time, and it would presume that, it has elaborate and alter to aggrandized disillusioned with several privileges and possessions.

Forensic science investigations proceed place utilizing forensic professionals as well as forensic scientists, crime labs, and criminalists. However, all ternate jobs inside the capacity of […]. To the common person, the term natural law may not hold much significance or may register in their mind as a type of law that is of the earth or based on nature. While this may seem like the right definition, it is not the case. The idea of Natural law is one which has a very broad range of application and is generally misapplied when the term is incorporated in the topics of science, philosophy, history, theology, and law.

Statutory Interpretation Abstract: The means of interpreting the Acts of Parliament by judges is called statutory interpretation. Common Law: Is a law formulated by judges with the aid of conclusions of a court to follow the aid of a legislative process by the executive branch. The legal system of a common law states that, it is a partiality to handle likewise facts or matters distinctively on a distinctive occasions. Literal Rule: Is a rule that is frequently utilized by orthodox […]. In legal reasoning, the idea that a right answer can be found in hard cases is pure fiction.

The statement under review in the title to this work, in declaring that it is pure fiction that right answers […]. If not, why not? If it is essentially different, in what way is it different? Justify your answer by reference to the views of relevant legal theorists. Introduction It is noteworthy that the legal and political systems are fundamentally different in the first place due to the diverse perspectives of the world, and they have developed into two separate entities with their own […]. The point is to make sure that it is always open to the theorist and the ordinary person to retain a critical moral stance in face of the law which is.

Introduction This discussion focuses on the relationship between law and morality and the conceptual differentiation of the two paradigms. It is appropriate to begin with a […]. The plaintiff is the person against whom the wrong has been committed and who has suffered […]. Discuss with reference to the United States and the United Kingdom Introduction Both sides of the proposition posed in the title question are fraught with difficulty. Human history, particularly as it unfolded in the twentieth century, confirmed that national and supranational treaties and legislation, no matter how compellingly drafted or extensively ratified, was a thin safeguard against human rights abuses.

Versailles, the Yalta Conference, the United Nations Declaration […]. What were the innominate contracts? Where did they come from and why were they important? The very term innominate literally without name is potentially confusing since these so-called contracts are named very specifically. The term refers to their place in the system of classification of contracts in Roman Law rather than their possessing the characteristic of being unnamed. A distinct characteristic of Roman Law is that it might be said to possess a law of contracts as opposed to a […].

Contrast liability in tort with contractual liability Tort: A tort is a legal term which describes a civil wrong that can be redressed by awarding damages. The term describes violation where one person causes damage to other person. When there is a breach of duty of care done unintentionally, it causes tort of negligence. Accidents can be an example of Negligent Torts. When there is a breach of duty of care done intentionally to harm the other person it causes […]. In contemporary political and legal beliefs, the term civil law indissolubly provides perplexing connotations.

Many harbingers ostensibly understand the term civil law as a substantive area of law which preluded in the times of Ancient Rome. In this essay I will be analysing the terms civil law, their institutional functions, and their disparate connotations, before reaching a conclusion […]. Rights-based struggles have proved counterproductive in contexts of sexuality. The importance of rights, and more specifically, civil liberties, can be seen as the legal and political expression of our society. Philosophical notions of autonomy, self-fulfilment, and self expression, in terms of sexuality, have made privacy interests relevant to freedom of action and lifestyle, not merely to freedom from interference.

Proving negligence entitles the injured plaintiff to being compensation for the injury to their body, property, emotions, financial status, intimate relationships or reputation. One must prove the resulting harmso as to succeed in a bid tobe compensated in a negligence case. The case of Donoghue v. Stevenson [] lays the foundations of the fault […]. Essay examples. Essay topics. Jurisprudence on the Right of Ownership and Possession Introduction The concept of ownership and possession is one of the fundamental juristic concepts common to all systems of law. Judicial Discretion and Jurisprudence Moral questions impact the law at every corner. Roscoe Pound and Sociological Jurisprudence INDEX Roscoe Pound — Introduction Social Engineering Interest Theory Jural Postulates Criticism Case Law Conclusion Bibliography Roscoe Pound — Introduction Roscoe Pound was one of the leading figures in twentieth-century legal thought.

All about Forensic Science Forensic science, also known as criminalistics, also known as the application of science to criminal and civil laws, mainly on the criminal side during criminal investigation, by the legal standards of admissible evidence and criminal procedure. A Natural Law View on Assisted Suicide To the common person, the term natural law may not hold much significance or may register in their mind as a type of law that is of the earth or based on nature. Introduction to Statutory Interpretation Statutory Interpretation Abstract: The means of interpreting the Acts of Parliament by judges is called statutory interpretation.

Right Answers and Hard Cases In legal reasoning, the idea that a right answer can be found in hard cases is pure fiction. Is Legal Reasoning Different from Political Reasoning? How do we Safeguard Human Rights? Innominate Contracts What were the innominate contracts? Contrast Liability in Tort Contrast liability in tort with contractual liability Tort: A tort is a legal term which describes a civil wrong that can be redressed by awarding damages. Institutional Functions and Disparate Connotations In contemporary political and legal beliefs, the term civil law indissolubly provides perplexing connotations. Rights-based Struggles Rights-based struggles have proved counterproductive in contexts of sexuality. Stop wasting your time searching for samples!

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Jurisprudence Essays,Guidelines on how to write Jurisprudence essays

WebMay 12,  · Jurisprudence as a Theory in Law Jurisprudence. As a theory in law, Jurisprudence involves varying philosophical perceptions about the purposes of law, WebThe research deals with the core idea of therapeutic jurisprudence and how it effects people placing reliance on various laws and legal practices prevalent in the legal WebEvery essay MUST have an introduction and a conclusion. The introduction has a very precise form: (i) it outlines your main thesis. This must return directly to the question and WebSamples Jurisprudence means the knowledge or skills of the law. The law is basically described as an iceberg. Only one third of the laws are visible to us, the other two third WebJurisprudence Essays Essay examples Essay topics 18 essay samples found Jurisprudence on the Right of Ownership and Possession Introduction The concept of WebJurisprudence Essay In Laws Empire Philosophy Essay Reference this Share this: Facebook Twitter Reddit LinkedIn WhatsApp Dworkins theory of law focuses mainly on ... read more

Johnson v Transportation Agency The two above cases both resulted in a broadening of the scopes and protections of the Civil ights Act via jurisprudence. A Representative Supreme Court? adbruch's philosophies. About, Inc. Such self-interest has had the effect of barring women from most executive suites and maintaining status quo gender roles

The Sources of Legislation That Are Binding in Scots Law, jurisprudence essay. Clearly, identify the legal authority and critical evaluation of the essay. is also reputable for its approach to people, given that it implements a legal system protecting the rights of the people, jurisprudence essay, rather than seeking to stifle them, as it happens in other regions of the globe. FindLaw Many harbingers ostensibly understand the term civil law as a substantive area of law which preluded in the times of Ancient Rome. This amendment relates directly to the Williams case in which a judge deemed that Carpal Jurisprudence essay wasn't in fact a jurisprudence essay impairment to major life activities, it merely precluded her from successfully completing specific tasks in the work place.

Does adderall help writing papers

Does adderall help writing papers

ADHD Drugs Aren't Doing What You Think, Scientists Warn 'Smart Pill' Users,92 Comments

WebJan 5,  · Writing With Adderall: A Personal Case Study Here’s the whole story of my experience taking the prescription drug Adderall (the brand name for amphetamine and WebWriting with Adderall helps you focus. It doesn’t do the work for you. One thing I’ve mentioned to several of the people who’ve written in: you really need to have a task in WebAdderall is known to be helpful for people with ADHD. It can help reduce impulsiveness and promote increased focus, concentration, and blogger.comg: writing papers WebAdderall will not give you inspiration, ideas, or even drive. Adderall will clear the fog in your brain and allow you to function on a level you've seen other people function at normally. WebMay 24,  · Adderall can be effective at treating ADHD and narcolepsy. It may help people with ADHD maintain their attention and focus and decrease blogger.comg: writing papers ... read more

I set up my MacBook, poured coffee and sparkling water, and took my first low-dose 5mg pill. Would I even notice anything? Maybe the doc was messing with me and prescribing such a low dose that it would trigger a placebo effect. Well… I definitely noticed. Twenty minutes after taking it, I was fully immersed in the tasks at hand. Replies to emails I had ignored sorry, everyone were suddenly flying out of my inbox. Draft posts filled up my Evernote and WordPress screens. That new book I hoped to outline? All of a sudden, I knew what to do. The clutter of emails and half-finished sentences made sense, or at least I knew how to make them make sense, which is the essential struggle of most writers and plenty of other creative people.

This is working! Fast forward a year or so. Would I increase the dosage? What about the next time it happened? Poking around on various ADHD forums, I noticed that that many adults are taking much, much higher doses than the mg a day I was prescribed. I just knew that for me, I preferred to stick to a lower dosage if at all possible. Just like lots of caffeine, it taxes it. am I feeling a lack and pressure to produce something? Am I pushing to make something happen? If that is the case I take a step back and check why I feel the need to push so hard.

What it comes down to is this- You are the ultimate authority on what you need to thrive and feel good. but you know what is best for you. Rock on! Community clinics are springing up all over and are affordable. My 8th generation acupuncturist Viola Huang-Beck at Santa Rosa Community Acupuncture told me that in China they practice only community acupuncture because being in the presence of community is part of the healing process. I appreciate your candor. Dear Chris, Thank you for writing this post. I have been thinking about this for a long time. I am proud of your honesty, courage and vulnerability. I am proud of you for seeking help. It is a gift yes, but a very frustrating one if unaddressed.

We have similar experiences. I have had ADD all my life but only began treatment during third year of medical school. I liken my Adderall experience to getting glasses for the first time. When I first got glasses at age 8, I noticed the patterns on our couch and asked if we had just gotten a new couch. I am at my best, most productive, most focused, most creative during treatment. I am a better writer, decision maker, friend, family member — more likely to follow through with phone calls etc. BUT, Last year, after 8 years, I stopped treatment for 2 reasons — a close friend said ADD was a sin — and I was so devastated and angry with God for this stigmatizing comment, I decided to stop treatment and really spend some time doing some heart work to embrace my ADD and spend some time making peace with it and its role with my spirituality.

I was really focused, yes. But I also lost my empathetic side. I lost my quirk. I was less tolerant. I felt great, but I found myself in more fights, extremely neurotic about having my own way — I think maybe I became more egocentric. Pretty hard crashes… Make sure you are on long-acting extended release Adderall. Because I noticed everything, I ascribed meaning to things that were trivial. I like myself much better off treatment — though I do miss the clarity, focus and executive functioning.. I now manage my attention with meditation 30 mins to 1hr and Morning Pages.

A great resource is ADDitude mag. I am rooting for you Chris. You are an inspiration to me. Would love to hear how you are doing with this in 6 months — 1 year. Keep up the good work. Much Love. My son was diagnosed with ADHD without hyperactivity at the age of Several years later he was diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome, as well as ADHD. I heard that Aspergers is no longer the term used any more. The diagnoses would most likely be PDD or Autism Spectrum Disorder. My son tried Adderall for about a year during his teens. It appeared to help at first and we were very hopeful. But our son complained about the same side-effects you mentioned, and the benefits seemed to wear-off after a few months. Perhaps he had grown in size and needed a higher dosage.

He chose to stop taking the medication and we respected his wishes. He still suffers from a lack of focus for things he finds difficult or boring , but he can hyper-focus on certain things he enjoys. I have some of the same problems, but probably not to the same degree. I appreciate that you are speaking about your problem because you can express yourself so well. I am surprised at many of the negative responses, but there really are a lot of different opinions out there — and for those who suffer from a lack of focus, I know it is a serious problem. It is very difficult to decide whose advice to listen to. I have recently started meditation because I heard it helps improve focus and alleviates depression, but I am not very good yet and it is not a quick fix.

Good luck to you. Drugs are not a good solution in long term. I believe that everyone have to find their own solutions for their processes in life. But meditation works amazing with focus and even with sadness with some help for the last one. Good luck!!! Ugh, what a bunch of criticism! People are not necessarily weak because they use prescription medications. And Chris clearly carefully considered his decision and conferred with his physician and pharmacist. Years ago, a psychologist wanted to medicate my then 7 year old daughter for depression after his 10 minute evaluation of her, I said no.

Some years later, they said it was ADHD and wanted her on Adderall, but her teachers pleaded with me not to and assured me her impulsivity was not ADHD. Now, at 16, her anxiety is at an all time high. She is going in for a full evaluation next week. Therapy is not enough for her, and we will certainly look at medication. But it will be a careful consideration. Stop treating people will any mental impairment as weak or inferior. It requires medical intervention just like any other physical disorder. First of all, it was great to read what Adderall has done for you so far. Second, I think people need to stop being judgmental and suggesting that these issues ADD, depression, chronic pain are all in your head and that you should just cheer up. The same goes for depression and the like.

Question; is the increased short term performance gain worth the risk of changing your psychological biology? Active stimulate users and abusers have the hardest hard time time functioning without their daily fix. Its taken me over 12 months to wean myself off of my daily afternoon caffeine fix. For me… voluntarily consuming a highly addictive mind altering substance is a very bad choice. Jeopardizing my psychological well being for a short term performance gain is not worth the risk. What happens in 5 or 10 years….? Is the consequences of not being able to function normally because of your dependency to the drug really worth the trade off that you originally made when you wrote this featured story? Ive been through this whole ringer.

My MD prescribed me ADDERALL. I took the low dose script for about 9 months. I became depend on the ADDERALL in less than 3 months. Turn off the phone, internet, social media, TV, radio all the distractions and get to work. Book author Steven Pressfield wrote Do The Work, The War of Art and Turning Pro — these books will spell out it black and white if we are willing or unwilling. For me…. not calling you out taking ADDERALL is a crutch for doing the the real work. ADD is a excuse for being unwillingness to accept the discomfort when doing the work gets hard and uncomfortable. I have had to take it as well for symptoms of ADD and could not have finished my research and writing portions of my work without it.

The neuro pathways we use in bringing an idea from the mind into the real word are rough. I only take it on days that I work. I really appreciate your brutal honesty on this site. It takes a very open person to talk about these things in a public forum like this. read this great article by Dr. Hey Chris.. Jeff here. Adderall has kept me in school and helped me keep my cool on stage �� ~Jeff. And you achieved all this without the use of prescription drugs. There of course were a few people who had problems with focus, but a very small minority. Yet in recent years, suddenly huge numbers of people seem to have ADD and ADHD. I too find it much harder to focus nowadays than years ago. Back then I could focus on a task for hours at a time, yet now my mind is constantly distracted.

People have the ability to focus without relying on drugs. Chris, you functioned and achieved a huge amount without drugs. I applaud your vulnerability in sharing, for as a writer who shares deeply personal stuff, I know and see the criticism that it inevitably brings, yet I keep it up as I see it also helps so many others. See as a woman who diagnosed with ADD at age 8, I spent most of the next decade on Ritalin. I could concentrate. I am far closer to that now than I ever have been. Really, who can? Maybe Chris has just grown, changed, stretched? Maybe this current path has turned an unexpected corner?

Drugs allow us to push. To keep pushing. To push through stuff and get stuff done. But to what end? Chris, whether you do more of the same, or go live in a yurt with a cat and a cow for company, there will always be people who love you. Please be You. The world wants You. The most real, current, awesome version of you. Whatever that looks like. Chris, I have never used Adderall or any other similar drug myself, but I have 3 of my boys that have. My eldest went to a school for those with learning disabilities, and despite the schools begging us to put him on drugs Ritalin was only available back then we refused.

Then, one day after both he and we becoming very frustrated, we took him to a pediatrician who prescribed a low dose. However, that very same day, before the school day was over we got a call from the school, asking if we had put him on Ritalin? They noticed a difference that first day, and he was able to focus better and participate in school for the first time. He remained at that school, and then went through an LD program in High School — never to college. But today is married with 2 children, and holding down jobs — because of that little boost. Our second son was similar, but not as bad. We were forced to have him repeat a grade in school, and then to even move schools to one that could help with his disabilities.

In his case, he took Adderall a small dose like you, but 10 mg , which allowed him to thrive in his last two years of grade school. he then completed high school taking AP classes and getting college credit — while playing football. He stopped taking the Adderall for a while, but then when he went to college, he begged us to put him back on it, as he could not focus enough during exams. He now takes Adderall while still in college, but only at exam time, not during every day activities. Our youngest son also takes Adderall. Going through the pediatrician, she started him on a low dose with no change in behavior. She then increased the dose a bit, and added a 2nd small dose in the afternoon. This seems to really be working well.

He now comes to me in the morning to help with his dose, and takes the 2nd dose himself. He seems more focused, is able to behave and participate in class, and will even do his homework occasionally. I have found in all things, that there is no 1 answer. We refused requests to drug our oldest boy, and watched him suffer, only to finally give in and watch him thrive. Yes, these drugs are abused by some, but they help many. I hope that you are able to benefit and thrive from them, just as we have watched our boys benefit and thrive. There probably no denying that some of the creativity that came from ADHD was responsible for the unique and successful empire you built that inspires your readers everyday. As much as I get, from reading your books, that you are reluctant to hiring outside help, maybe you could consider adding a few employees or assistants to take some of the load off.

Or maybe consider only using ADDerall during the times when you need to meet deadlines and get busywork out of the way. I tried medication to help me with my anxiety about a year ago. It turned out a bad decision. I tried to somehow navigate around the origin of my fears — and the drugs aggravated it, gave me experiences so much worse than the ugliest fear I knew. So now I keep my hands away from drugs and try to improve my health by eating better, exercising and most importantly listening to myself and my body. I was diagnosed with ADHD 3 times before I took any medication. I know exactly how that limitless feeling is. However, I must relay some tips and warnings to you. The last time I took it, I was on it for a year and a half 10 mg tablet or 20mg release and the first month after I stopped taking it, I was very close to being fired from my job.

It was like being hungover for a month. Sadly, the low energy, inability to focus continued long after that. I stayed on the same dosage for years. I took two days off a week weekends. I was also so against upping my dosage that I may not have noticed the pills were less effective. Just take days off! It will wear off by 3ish but your chances of sleep are higher. Plus, the tablet enables you to stay on a very low dosage. The dry mouth makes excessive talking uncomfortable. I found my social anxiety went off the hook when I was on adderall. My best friend is on 60mg which he takes EVERY DAY.

Once his pill kicks in, he turns into a complete zombie. Not a good conversation partner. Do not go on blogs, facebook, etc. When I was a kid I taught myself Japanese, wrote my own comic books, wrote novels, later developed plays but I was flunking in school. My teachers would regularly call my parents about my attention problem. I felt like I had been reborn. Not surprisingly, what was most impactful to me was that I could find any subject interesting. This made picking a major in college really hard. The thinking was, if I can like anything now, I may as well do something that will pay.

Years later around age 24 I stopped taking adderall because it was increasing my anxiety. Eventually, I felt I no longer needed it. Like my former interest in comics and Japanese, I was obsessed with these things enough to give them my all. Unfortunately, everything else in my life, including my suffered. When I was 27 I went back on adderall after a month of working as a copywriter at an ad agency. Reading this I realized that adderall had pacified me. Rather than looking for a job that I actually enjoyed, I had to take a little pill to make my boring one interesting. This is a sign that we should be evolving and moving on to something else.

As an artist, you need that. I also DEEPLY resent the idea that somehow, according to my teachers and well the status quo, that my work as an artist was somehow considered unimportant. I just thought maybe you could benefit from this story. I just purchased it for the kindle app and it has been a very motivating read. I also recently sought help for similar problems I was having and was diagnosed with Adult ADD. My doctor started me on a low dose of 10mg of Methylphenidate CD, which is similar to Ritalin. It took me a long time to seek help as well, and I did my homework before doing so. Thank you for your example and resources for making that a reality! Are you for real? We need to work less, play more, meditate, eat super foods and awaken Consciousness.

You have just fed the already dis-eased pharmaceutical world that is trying to kill us. Any controlled substance may have a positive impact or be some kind of divine intervention, but there are so many natural ways to reach the same results. You are taking speed at low doses. Do you know what this does to your adrenals, your brain, your organs. Why do you think their ads have 2 pages of warnings. Like JJ and many others say, a century ago or less, this disorder never existed. The doctor who coined the name ADD admitted on his death bed it was fabricated to benefit the pharmas … think about it … seriously and write about that one. More creativity is possible in the same amount of time then ever before in history, giving the illusion of time speeding up. We are over stimulated, over burdened and over functioning, rather than living in harmony with nature.

Try meditating or doing mantras. Or do an Ayauaska journey … the doctor makes money off millions of people just like you. Come on Chris.. be a leader, not a drugged sheep, which will fall nicely in to the hands of the powers that were.. just what they are hoping for. So who really wins. You get your book written, the pharmas get fatter, the doctor makes more money and we get to read your blogs. Knowing they are partially driven by a false substance is not very inspirational to me. Your creativity, intuition and emotional body will be compromised. Is this worth being more focused and productive in a society that demands results.. are your really that driven and gullible … oh my God…maybe so..

I hope you will see the light and shift gears … sooner than later. Blissings, Christina. This works on the cellular level through neuroplasticity, the ability of the brain to improve itself with blood flow and levels of brain-derived protein. Having followed you for a while now I would say you are not going to end up an addict on the street. You are ahead of the game in that you did your research and know what to look for should you start having any affects that concern you. Additionally, I am quite sure you have people around you who will honestly let you know if they see any changes that are of concern. If it really worked long term, everyone would take it.

Do you want to be a speed freak? Is the book worth becoming a speed freak? Have you read the War of Art by Pressfield? Have you ever done anything with Modafinil? Thanks for sharing your story. Love the personal stuff like this even if people are all over the place on their opinion of it ��. Thanks for the bold article. This inspires me to quit coffee for at while — coffee makes me feel more awake, but at the same time less able to focus on a single task such as writing. Chris, Thank you for your openness and vulnerability. I appreciate your sharing of your feelings and experiences, and for opening up this forum.

This medication may help some, but there is a dark side to consider. Take a look at this website and make an educated decision if you want to start taking or continue taking this medication. I was started on Ritalin in at the age of 35 and was then moved to Adderall 60mg a day from I was also experiencing other, less reported side-effects that are —ahem — specific to men…. Chris, I remember reading this when it was first published with my stomach doing flip flops. Mind blowing in the extreme really. How can otherwise reasonable people rationalize taking amphetamine to enhance productivity? What is the difference between experimenting with cocaine or meth and Adderall or any other amphetamine or amphetamine-like addictive drug?

With 60 years of unrelenting propaganda telling us that any human behavior, struggle, upset, pain, emotion, challenge, etc can be handled by a chemical. The solution is not to take addictive drugs, the solution lies in the spiritual and other similarly oriented answers you espouse here, in your books, at WDS and everywhere else. We are suffering from an overwhelming amount of random noise, false information, data overload and lack of understanding of the human mind and human spirit. Thank you Chris. Your take on Adderall was a helpful read here, including the responses.

I also am prescribed Adderall and have been prescribed on stimulants since I was 10 years old, I am now I am quickly going to give my fact and myth take as I see it could ne useful here for a number of reasons. These underwhelming credentials I have make my statement on this subject, I feel something to consider strongly. The symptoms of severe ADHD is why I was and am on it now at 90 mgs. total a day. My life while under the stigma and lack of understanding of this drug; that I need to function and is available as an alternative to the suffering of constant defeat,has been something I have to always explain. One subject that helps me be patient and understanding of others. People just do things such as this.

One person will praise my every area of discernment then criticize my intent and sanity that I may not be aware of. On ADHD or amphetamines to treat it, no individual has anything useful to say except the ADHD patient. Not even the prescribing doctor. Example; does anyone but a long term Adderall patient know the Extended release version is always way stronger and dependence causing than the Instant Release? Or that sniffing the drug gives inferior effect compared to ingesting? That when taken over long periods of time, the drugs useful and addictive properties-all of them except some intolerances that go away over time are more so than at first? Yeah its more potent and effective over time.

Drug seekers and users re not aware of this, let alone the general population. So Chris, being one whom can interpret the words of another Adderall user; keep going with your judgement because it is reasonable and that same reason will say when to increase, decrease or stop. While students on Adderall did have make fewer errors on a reaction time test, it actually worsened working memory, as shown by a decline in performance on a task where they had to repeat sequences of numbers. Adderall helps to improve cognitive function the same way that glasses might improve eyesight. But glasses only help you if you have a vision impairment in the first place. Adderall, they posit, acts the same way. Emma Betuel. The paper showed that while Adderall definitely got students high, it didn't necessarily improve cognitive ability.

Adderall decreased students' performance on a working memory task compared to a placebo Pharmacy. Related Tags Psychology Drugs Mental Health.

Adderall is a stimulant used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD. In the short term, it can help with focus. In the long term, it can improve mood and productivity, but it can have negative side effects. According to research , Adderall helps decrease impulsivity in people living with ADHD. It also promotes increased attention and improves the ability to focus. Doctors may also prescribe Adderall to treat narcolepsy , since it may help people living with this condition stay awake during the day. Using Adderall for anything other than its intended purpose, especially at higher doses than prescribed by a doctor, can lead to dependency and addiction. If you take too much Adderall, you can develop a dependency and eventually need more to experience the same effect.

This can be dangerous to your health. Adderall can not only cause changes in your brain chemistry and function, it may also lead to heart damage, digestive problems, and other unwanted side effects. Read on to learn more about possible side effects of Adderall, how to reverse these effects, and the best way to stop taking Adderall. Students and other people who want to get a lot of work done in a short period of time might turn to Adderall for a quick boost to their concentration and memory. In fact, it might even lead to memory impairment — the exact opposite of the desired effect. Adderall can cause other unwanted side effects. When a doctor monitors your Adderall use, they can help keep track of these effects and adjust your dose to reduce or eliminate them.

These side effects can differ from person to person. They might also vary by age. Side effects often go away after a week or two of using the drug. Some people taking Adderall at a dose prescribed by a doctor may not experience noticeable side effects. Rarely, Adderall can cause serious side effects like delusions, hallucinations, or other symptoms of psychosis. Some side effects, such as heart problems , mood changes, or psychotic symptoms, can be dangerous. Adderall can help you feel more energized, focused, motivated, and productive. You might also feel euphoric. But over time, this experience can change. Long-term misuse of Adderall may lead to heart problems and increase your risk for stroke or heart attack.

If you take high doses of Adderall for a long time, your brain may become dependent on the drug and eventually produce less dopamine. You might experience:. You may have trouble enjoying things you usually enjoy. Over time, addiction can result. In general, you should not:. Over the long term, Adderall can sometimes cause changes in mood and behavior, especially when used in high doses. These changes may affect interpersonal and romantic relationships. Some men who use Adderall feel less interested in sex or experience erectile dysfunction , especially if they take high doses for a long period of time.

These side effects can also affect romantic relationships. They might also lead to frustration or other emotional distress. Talking to a therapist about changes in mood can help, especially if Adderall otherwise helps improve ADHD or other symptoms you experience. Long-term use of Adderall at high doses can cause significant side effects, including changes in how your brain produces neurotransmitters. But many of these side effects may be reversible once you stop taking Adderall. Some physical side effects associated with Adderall use, such as heart damage, may not improve over time. If you experience unwanted side effects, talk to your healthcare provider.

Adderall is known to be helpful for people with ADHD. It can help reduce impulsiveness and promote increased focus, concentration, and memory. But along with these beneficial effects, you could also experience unwanted side effects. If you stop taking Adderall, these side effects usually begin clearing up within a few days, but it may take several days for the drug to completely leave your system. Talk to your healthcare provider about tapering off Adderall. They can help determine a safe decrease in dosage and monitor and treat side effects.

Therapy can also help you work through cravings and other side effects of addiction. Adderall is generally safe for most people to use. But it can cause side effects, some of which can be serious. If any of your symptoms seem serious or make you feel concerned, talk to your healthcare provider. You should always let your doctor know about any side effects you experience while taking medication. If you become pregnant or want to become pregnant, let your healthcare provider know right away. Let your doctor know about any existing health conditions before you start taking Adderall.

Although Adderall can cause a number of different side effects, many of these — especially those associated with long-term use — are rare when you take Adderall at a dose prescribed by your doctor. If Adderall causes unwanted side effects that affect your day-to-day functioning or quality of life, your doctor may lower your dose or suggest a different drug. Stopping Adderall suddenly can cause other unwanted side effects. Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available. How exactly does Adderall help you concentrate better? Discover the effects of Adderall on your body. Sleepiness is an uncommon side effect of Adderall, but it does happen. If it's interfering with your daily life, talk to your doctor to see about….

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The stimulant Adderall is used to treat the conditions ADHD and narcolepsy. Discover whether it's safe in large doses and if you can overdose on it. Adderall is a prescription medication that consists of a…. Both Asperger's and ADHD are conditions which may be diagnosed early in life, and they may share certain symptoms which may appear similar. But there…. A Quiz for Teens Are You a Workaholic? How Well Do You Sleep? Health Conditions Discover Plan Connect. Short- and Long-Term Effects of Adderall on the Brain. Medically reviewed by Zara Risoldi Cochrane, Pharm. Short-term effects Long-term effects Brain chemistry Withdrawal See a doctor Takeaway Adderall is a stimulant used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD. Short-term effects of Adderall on the brain. Long-term effects of Adderall on the brain.

Does Adderall permanently change brain chemistry? How to avoid withdrawal from Adderall. Talk with a doctor. The takeaway. How we reviewed this article: Sources. Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy. Aug 12, Written By Crystal Raypole. Medically Reviewed By Zara Risoldi Cochrane, PharmD, MS, FASCP. Share this article. Read this next. Effects of Adderall on the Body How exactly does Adderall help you concentrate better? READ MORE.

Short- and Long-Term Effects of Adderall on the Brain,Adderall's effect on concentration and focus

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But… It soon became an every day thing in my first big career out of college. One study found that in young adults who are sleep-deprived precisely those people that may pull an all-nighter for a testAdderall was not effective in improving cognition or memory. In some ways the writing was therapeutic, and in other ways it was just good does adderall help writing papers have something to focus on. Adderall is known to be helpful for people with ADHD. Medically reviewed by Alan Carter, Pharm. That when taken over long periods of time, does adderall help writing papers, the drugs useful and addictive properties-all of them except some intolerances that go away over time are more so than at first? Certain other medications may interact with Adderall and cause serious side effects.

Oedipus rex essay topics

Oedipus rex essay topics

Oedipus Rex,Essay Examples

WebOedipus Rex Essay Topics 1. The philosopher Aristotle considered Oedipus Rex a paragon among plays, and used it to expand on his theory of catharsis—the idea that WebJun 18,  · Top Oedipus Rex Essay Topics 1. Faith in God As Portrayed in the Oedipus Rex Play 2. Fate and Destiny as Portrayed in The Oedipus Rex 3. How WebFeb 21,  · Oedipus Rex and the Burial at Thebes are presenting two very different audiences with two different ways of ruling over a country. Each of them appeals to its WebSophocles’ Oedipus Rex is a tragedy based on Athenian thought, and it is one of three Theban plays that have survived and depict Oedipus’ fate. Oedipus is the King of WebIn Oedipus Rex by Sophocles, when Thebes is struck with the aid of a plague, the human beings ask King Oedipus to supply them from its horrors. Creon, the brother of ... read more

Accessed February 7, The play Oedipus The King begins with the king and queen of Thebes, Laius and Jocasta Essay. In case you can't find a relevant example, our professional writers are ready to help you write a unique paper. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best match. Home History Ancient History Sophocles Oedipus Rex. Verified writer. Delivery result 6 hours. Customers reviews Related Topics Oedipus The King Antigone View more. Oedipus Rex Essay Academic anxiety? Get original paper in 3 hours and nail the task. Get help now experts online. Oedipus Rex 2 Essay. Need custom essay sample written special for your assignment? Affinities between Judy Blume's "Then Again, Maybe I on't" and "Are You There God?

It's Me, Margaret" and Sophocles' "Oedipus Rex" and "Electra" Judy Blume's novels "Then Again, Maybe I on't" and "Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret" are, to a certain degree, similar to Sophocles' tragedies "Oedipus Rex" and "Electra. However, it would surely be absurd for someone to claim that her works are not unique in character. Tony, the protagonist in "Then Again, Maybe I on't," and Oedipus, the central character in "Oedipus Rex" are alike when considering that they both experience a false feeling of success only to eventually feel that they live in a lie.

Similarly, Margaret and Electra are two young women who…. Blume, Judy, "Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret," Random House Children's Books, academic quality sources play film margins 1 inch left 12 point Times New Roman Arial font document sources cite APA format. The story of Oedipus has pervaded out society and has come to provide a great deal of individuals with more information regarding thinking in Ancient Greece. Sophocles designed the story so as for audiences to gain a complex understanding of the tragic irony unfolding as the storyline progresses. The ancient Greek tragedian told the story of a young individual who becomes addicted to material values and unknowingly comes to murder his father, marry his mother, and eventually ends up being both brother and father to his children.

Irony is one of the principal concepts dominating the play and it makes it possible for audiences to express little to no surprise regarding how the storyline unfolds. Oedipus' father is the person responsible for triggering a series of…. Shmoop, "Oedipus the King: Shmoop Literature Guide," Shmoop University Inc. contemplated an individual's relationship with his or her environment. In Oedipus Rex and Antigone, Sophocles explores the relationship an individual has with the world and society. In each of these plays, Sophocles juxtaposes divinity and humanity and investigates the role of each within Theban society as well as looks into conflicts that arise when the laws of man conflict with divine laws.

Through their narratives, Oedipus Rex and Antigone posit man is intended to serve others, including gods, and that they do not exist to be self-serving. Oedipus Rex revolves around an eponymous anti-hero who by saving the city of Thebes from a Sphinx inadvertently and simultaneously brought forth a plague upon it. By defeating the Sphinx, Oedipus secured his place upon the Theban throne and as such was not only responsible for ensuring laws were abided, but was also responsible for protecting Thebes' citizens. Because of the plague that…. The Complete Greek Tragedies. David Grene and Richard Lattimore. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, David Grene and Richard.

Furthermore, this same prophecy made to Oedipus himself leads him to flee to Thebes -- which in turn leads to the murder of Laius on the road and his subsequent marriage to Jocosta. And finally, it is Oedipus' "wish to know the seed from where [he] came," that results in the ultimate knowledge of his birth, his true nature, and his ultimate downfall Oedipus the King. hile the Book of Genesis seems to suggest that the crux of man's nature is knowledge seeking, man is also by nature a prideful, self-serving being, inherently motivated by a keen desire -- or perhaps even instinct -- to preserve him self.

For example, regarding God's call of Abram in chapter 12, it is not the mere pleasure of serving God and righteousness that motivates Abram to follow God, but rather God's promise to establish and preserve Abram's name. Pocket-Size ed. Nashville, TN. Ian Johnston. Malaspina Univeristy-College, Barstow, Marjorie. Barstow observes one of Aristotle's fundamental points in her essay, which is that "Aristotle finds the end of human endeavor to be happiness…[which proceeds] from a steady and comprehensive intellectual vision which views life steadily and distinguishes in every action the result to be gained" 2. Poetry, like Oedipus Rex, helps illustrate Aristotle's point that human happiness is dependent upon one's grasp of reality. Dodds, E. Dodds asks, "In what sense, if in any, does the Oedipus Rex attempt to justify the ways of God to man?

The fact that Sophocles' work tackles the question is important evidence that drama is worthy of serious study and capable of teaching profound truths. Thus, Dodds' essay validates Aristotle's…. The Nicomachean ethics of Aristotle. Trans R. London: George. Halliwell, Stephen. Aristotle's Poetics. IL: University of Chicago Press, Role of Free ill and Fate in Oedipus Rex and Othello, the Moor of Venice Free will and fate play a major role in determining the outcome the hero experiences in Sophocles' Oedipus Rex and illiam Shakespeare's Othello, the Moor of Venice. In Oedipus Rex, Oedipus's destiny has been predetermined and despite his many efforts, he cannot escape the future the gods have planned for him.

Oedipus Rex's form relies on a chorus to serve as an emissary between the gods and the audience and ultimately aims at allowing the audience to achieve catharsis. On the contrary, in Othello, the Moor of Venice, Othello's future is determined through a series of actions that were not influenced by the gods, but rather through free will. Othello, the Moor of Venice's form breaks up the action into separate "vignettes" that ultimately highlight the depravity of man and aims to serve as a…. Othello, the Moor of Venice. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The things that ruins his life is his humanity and while this is a sad tale, it is one filled with knowledge for those who want to see how not to ruin one's life.

It teaches us and one of the most resilient characteristics of man is that he can learn from his mistakes if he is courageous enough. Plato considered drama and tragedy from another perspective, namely an isolated one. He wrote, "e would not have our guardians grow up amid images of moral deformity. until they silently gather a festering mass of corruption in their own soul" Plato X and he also expressed the notion that artists would better serve the world if they were "gifted to discern the true nature of the beautiful and graceful" X. In Book X, he writes we should "remain firm in our conviction that hymns to the gods and….

Site Accessed October. The Republic. The Internet Classics Archive. Site Accessed October 01, Myth of the Tragic King -- Sophocles' construction of Oedipus the Tragic King vs. Michael of Puzo's The Godfather The central theme of the Oedipus myth in ancient Grecian society was that the truly tragic king could not escape his fate, despite his best efforts to do so. ith hubris in his heart, the tragic king attempts to avoid what the oracle forecasts, and only fulfills his fate in terrible circumstances as a result of his hubris. However, in modern, American society the idea of uncontrollable fate has somewhat fallen out of fashion.

Americans are inclined to look at hubris, or ambition beyond the sphere of one's circumstances with favor. Thus, partly because of the influence of Freud and partly because of the influence of the belief that anyone can succeed in America, the myth of the tragic king, embodied in Oedipus has been rewritten, although it remains a part…. Elpenor Greek World. Davis, Charles. Last updated Puzo, Mario. This is because Sophocles deals with deep and important human situations and emotions. Even though we can no longer imagine what it would be like to live in the world which Sophocles inhabits, we can completely understand his characters because they are fully human and human nature does not change much over time.

Though he writes about kings and queens and the wealthy of Greece, his characters have the sense of being representatives of every man and woman, in every era. His characters struggle with pride and with sin and with accepting the will of the gods -- when they do things they should not do, in the end they are punished, and accept this punishment. This gives them a greater morality than sinners who are portrayed…. Milton, John. Paradise Lost. Project Gutenberg. Internet Classics. The positive value that most people place on a character's ability to face their demons is traditionally what defines a "hero.

But this lack of unwavering strength and courage is what makes the character of Oedipus seem human, and therefore relatable to the audience. If his reaction to the truth had shown nothing but strength, he would seem more like a cardboard cut-out than a human being. A hero is more noble and more human when he must overcome his flaws and life's adversities. This may be why literary heroes have appealed to readers across many different cultures and over many different eras in history; because they represent the deepest and most respected ideals of human behavior, without extending too far beyond the constraints of…. Segal, C. Oedipus Tyrannus: Tragic Heroism and the Limits of Knowledge, New York, Sophocles, Dawe, R.

Sophocles: Oedipus Rex, Cambridge University Press, 2nd ed. Willlam Hazlitt largely comments on the contemporariness and universality of Hamlet's character: that although Shakespeare wrote the play more than years ago, we have come to know the character of the tragic Prince quite well. Not only because we read about him in school, but also -- and more -- because we know his thoughts as we do our own. Hazlitt His sayings and speeches are not only real but are as real as our own thoughts when we ponder and despair over our or others' misfortunes and grief. Each of us becomes Hamlet, in Hazlitt's view, whenever we bear the weight of reflection Hazlitt , when the sun in us is made dim by "envious mists" in our hearts, whenever the world looks nothing better than a "dull blank," when our love is despised, or when sadness sticks to us and makes our mind sink within.

Hazlitt goes…. and Characters of Shakespeare's Play. London: George Bell and Sons, Yes, the Oedipus complex aspect of Shakespeare it gives us and which in turn invites us to think about the issue of subjectivity, the myth and its relation to psychoanalytic theory. Selfe, , p Hemlet and Postcolonial theory Postcolonial theory was born as a result of the publication of the famous work of Edward Said, Orientalism This theory claim that some authors Paul Gilroy, Achille Mbembe, Francoise Verges, etc. and that seem so elegant in its formulation, in my opinion raises three fundamental problems: At a time when we are witnessing the emergence of new expressions of colonialism colonialism, cultural, political and economic globalization, neo-colonialism nestled in the relationship between the hegemonic colonial past and their old colonies, colonialism in disguise that structure the relationship between international institutions and developing countries, institutions from the rest behest of the former colonial powers according to their interests , speak of post-colonial era….

Aragay, Mireia, and Gemma Lopez. Mireia Aragay. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, p Aragay, Mireia, ed. Books in Motion: Adaptation, Intertextuality, Authorship. Baetens, Jan. Deborah Cartmell and Imelda Whelehan. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, p Balides, Constance. Question Haemon is in an impossible position. Although it could be argued that Antigone is in an impossible position as well, forced to choose between obeying the will of the gods or the will of man, Haemon must choose between loyalty to his proposed wife and his father as the king of the state. His temperament is such that he is an innate compromiser. He is forced to negotiate between two people who do not believe in compromise, upon any terms. Creon has begun a horrible chain of events. The Theban king has attempted to supplant the will of the gods, refusing to let Polynices' soul enter the underworld and be judged by the gods, thus taking on the role of the gods as judgers of men's souls as well as a judge of his citizen's actions on earth.

By refusing to obey the king's orders and defy the gods,…. Othello Is a Tragic Hero Othello is an Aristotelian tragedy This paper will show that Othello can be correctly labeled a "tragic hero" and that the play fits the form and function of the Aristotelian tragedy according to the model as it is understood and interpreted by critical scholars. Defining the tragic hero and the Aristotelian tragedy The tragic hero is good, valorous, true to life and consistent The Aristotelian tragedy is complete, an imitation of an action and produces a cathartic effect through fear and pity Othello is a Tragic Hero He is Good The senate loves him because he is strong Desdemona loves him because he is brave His men love him because he is a leader He has Manly Valor He is viewed as a moral man He is unafraid of meeting a challenge c.

He is true to life He has faults and weaknesses He falls…. by Gerald Else. MI: University of Michigan Press. Barstow, M. Oedipus Rex as the Ideal Tragic Hero of Aristotle. The Classical. Bates, C. Fate in Literature Stories whether they are presented in film, printed or orally spoken all share important commonalities. One of the important shared elements amongst stories that have been around for hundreds maybe even thousands of years in literature is the role of fate within the stories. Fate in literature can be broadly defined as the power, influence or will of a superior or supernatural force that stages and predetermines events in the voyage of a the main character in the story Princeton. A classic example of this is the tragedy written by Sophocles, the infamous tale of Oedipus Rex a king who desperately seeks to outrun, challenge and contradict fate, but is unable to because the supernatural forces above him The Gods , have predetermined and staged inevitable events in his life.

Fate is a very interesting topic to explore as it relates to stories because it challenges the notion…. Bangert, Andrea. UCSC, Epictetus and Oedipus. Bloom, Harold. Sophocles' Oedipus Rex. New York: Chelsea House, Booker, M. Things Fall Apart, by Chinua Achebe. Pasadena, CA: Salem, Priceton University, 15 Sept. Reason vs Passion: Comparing Aristotle and Plato Introduction It must be well known among all students and scholars of philosophy that both Plato and Aristotle have a high regard for reason. But what is their view on passion? It might be surprising to learn that neither philosopher holds a negative view of passion in and of itself—what both do, however, point out is that passion should be subservient to reason. Passion that is governed by reason is certainly not a bad thing, for either philosopher, and what is more important is that some passions or emotions should be promoted over others Urmson; Taylor.

For example, those people with "high levels of ambition were more likely to transgress moral codes, competitively stab colleagues in the back and make dubious decisions relating to asset-stripping, disinvestment, and so on" 27, Trevino's work is relevant when it comes to understanding individuals and corruption. There are a couple questions regarding moral personality that come up: first of all, whether or not a person sees an event or issue as a moral problem; the second is how they decide to act in relation to that problem. Kohlberg's theory of cognitive moral development emphasizes the cognitive or reasoning aspect of moral-decision making ,….

Bratsis, Peter. The Construction of Corruption, or Rules of Separation and Illusions of Purity in Bourgeois Societies. Social Texts, 21 4 , Burke, Ronald J. Research Companion to Corruption in Organizations. Fleming, Peter. Charting Corporate Corruption: Agency,. His enlightenment comes when he is forced to be fully self-reliant. He realizes that he cannot depend upon his father or upon anyone else for omniscient knowledge, and that he is left to his own devices and beliefs in a world without morality. Like the cave-dweller, Elie eventually realizes that the material world does not offer moral answers; rather moral answers come from his own mind, sense of fortitude, and faith.

Even Oedipus experiences this final, sinking revelation, after living as an ignorant but happy king of Thebes. Oedipus thought he was wise because he believed he had escaped his fate to kill his father and marry his mother and had solved the riddle of the Sphinx. At the end of Sophocles' tragedy, the former king blinds himself in horror that he has fulfilled the Delphic oracle's promise and also because he knows that he is unable as a human…. Aristotle was a great admirer of Sophocles,…. His wife and mother at the same time attempts to dissuade him from the further pursuit of…. This is seen when Antigone declares her defiance of…. He believes in setting an example and…. He has exchanged physical sight for mental insight into…. How does Oedipus at the….

Creon reports that the…. The tragic hero must be an…. Oedipus, the King of Thebes, is a classical…. Oedipus's Tragic Flaws Oedipus Rex is the classic story of Oedipus, King of Thebes, a tragic hero whose fate was in the hands of supernatural forces and who was…. The myth of Oedipus differs from the play in that much of the mythology such as the backstory and the answering of the riddle of the…. Destiny cannot be escaped…. He judges her in…. Tragedy of Oedipus Rex Many people understand Sophocles' play, Oedipus Rex, is a tragedy but what they may not know is that Aristotle established the notion of the tragic…. Speaking of his cool….

Ignorance in Oedipus ex The toll of ignorance and deception on Oedipus ex Ignorance plays a major role in the fates of several characters in the Greek tragedy Oedipus…. This very human aspect of the…. Oedipus, whose greatest flaw…. His story has come…. Thus, Oedipus' reference to his cursed birth at what is very nearly the end of the play refers back to the very opening lines of the Argument by repeating…. Oedipus illustrates how we may not…. He refuses to listen to his wife and brazenly tells her, "I will not listen; the truth must be made…. In this sense, the time and setting of these two plays are less significant because each of the two addresses universal questions of fate, destiny, free will, and the…. Oedipus Exemplifies or Refutes Aristotle's Definition of a Tragic Hero Aristotle's, the Greek philosopher definition of a tragic hero and tragedy has been influential since he set these definitions….

He thought…. So he…. Laius is responsible for his condition and there is no way for him to escape his fate, even with the fact that he does everything in his power with…. Further, the fact it relates, if common in the ancient world, would not deserve such strong wording to people…. The Greek tragedy is…. Oedipus is calmed, but he still sets out to solve the murder-mystery and punish…. For Oedipus to be considered successful, then, he would have had to challenge his own fate and succeed, rather than enact it entirely according to what was set out…. Pride Analysis of "Oedipus the King" "Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall" Proverbs , NIV Pride is a destructive force that has been recognized as….

This is evidenced in his verbal dueling with Polonius, the courtier of the play who in contrast…. In addition, he sees changing one's mind as a weakness, "womanish," an…. He prided himself on being a king that put the needs of his people above his own, struggling to keep his own feelings under wrap and focus instead on…. People who have never seen a…. It's Me,…. The story of Oedipus has…. In each of…. Furthermore, this same prophecy made to Oedipus himself leads him to flee to Thebes -- which in turn leads to the murder of Laius on the road and his…. Barstow observes one of Aristotle's fundamental points in…. Role of Free ill and Fate in Oedipus Rex and Othello, the Moor of Venice Free will and fate play a major role in determining the outcome the hero….

The things that ruins his life is his humanity and while this is a sad tale, it is one filled with knowledge for those who want to see how…. Michael of Puzo's The Godfather The central theme of the Oedipus myth in ancient Grecian…. This is because Sophocles deals with…. Willlam Hazlitt largely comments on the contemporariness and universality of Hamlet's character: that although Shakespeare wrote the play more than years ago, we have come to know the…. Yes, the Oedipus complex aspect of Shakespeare it gives us and which in turn invites us to think about the issue of subjectivity, the myth and its relation to…. Although it could be argued that Antigone is in an impossible position as well, forced to choose between obeying the will of…. Othello Is a Tragic Hero Othello is an Aristotelian tragedy This paper will show that Othello can be correctly labeled a "tragic hero" and that the play fits the….

One of the important shared elements amongst stories that have been…. Reason vs Passion: Comparing Aristotle and Plato Introduction It must be well known among all students and scholars of philosophy that both Plato and Aristotle have a high regard…. He realizes that he cannot depend upon his father or upon anyone else for omniscient knowledge, and that…. Home Writing Tools Example Essays About us FAQs Our Blog Citation Generator Flash Card Generator Login SignUp. Filter By:. Keyword s Filter by Keywords: add comma between each.

Most Relevant Recently Added Most Popular. Oedipus Rex Words: According to Aristotle, tragedy is higher and more… Work Cited "Aristotle on the Oidipous Tyrannos. htm Butcher, S. Oedipus Rex Sophocles' Work Is Words: Moreover, wisdom is shown to be a cause of disgrace many times, preventing men to be really happy on earth: "Alas, alas, what misery to be… Works Cited Green, Janet. Oedipus Rex and Burial at Words: Oedipus Rex vs The Burial Words: The audiences in… Oedipus Rex and the Burial at Thebes are presenting two very different audiences with two different ways of ruling over a country. Farrar, Straus and Giroux; 1st edition October 14, Sophocles. Oedipus Rex Oedipus Is the Words: Oedipus Rex the Oracles Had Words: Oedipus Rex the Delphic Oracle Words: Oedipus is an honorable… Bibliography Sophocles.

Oedipus Rex in Oedipus the Words: The world of Sophocles is a world of myth brought into the human realm, and the tragic vision derives from the conflict between the actions of human beings and the requirements of the gods: Compared with the Homeric epics, Athenian tragedy reflected a more conscious sense of the gods' metaphorical significance and a… Works Cited Green, Janet M. Oedipus Rex Was Definitely One of Sophocles' Words: Analyzation of Oedipus Rex's Fatal Flaw Words: There are many events within the play that are not motivated by these flaws and are predestined to occur and are controlled by supernatural forces, however Oedipus's flaws make it easier for prophecies… Works Cited Sophocles. Accessed 4 April Dramatic Irony in Oedipus Rex Words: Exposition is… References Sophocles.

From the moment he slays the traveler… References Sophocles. Irony in Oedipus Rex Is That You Words: Chorus in Oedipus Rex the Words: Othello is easily convinced his wife is cheating on him and feels emasculated and humiliated as a result Othello: Theme of Gender In a similar sense in King Oedipus, the inferior status or societal position of women can be seen in the fact… Bibliography Fisher J. New York: Greenwood Publishing Group, Othello: Theme of Gender. Tragedy of Oedipus Rex Many People Understand Words: One of… Works Cited Aristotle. Site Accessed March 08, New York: Bantam Books. Sophocles - Oedipus Rex Oedipus Words: Ignorance in Oedipus Rex the Toll of Words: In the play, many, if not all, the tragedies that befall Thebes and the Theban… References Sophocles n.

He came from a wealthy family and recieved a good education. His father is Sophillius, a rich armour manufacturer, and grew […]. Oedipus is the king of Thebes, having solved the riddle of the Sphinx and saved the city from destruction. But now a plague is devistraing Thebes, and various oracles and bird entrails suggest it is because the murderer of the old king, Laius, still lives in the kingdom unpunished. Oedipus decides to investigate the murder to alleviate everyone, including himself, only to discover he himself is the one who killed Laius and married his queen, Jocasta. Then he finds out […]. One of the most interesting and tragic ideas about reading Oedipus by Sophocles is that we know what Oedipus does not. We know that he unknowingly killed his father. The idea of fate, or fulfilling a prophecy is complicated in this story.

Oedipus, has no control of this story line, and could no way have changed what was already in place from the time of his birth. That he marries his mother, becoming […]. When Oedipus was born, King Laius gained from a prophet that he was bound to be slaughtered by his very own child, thus requested Jocasta, his better half, to kill Oedipus. At the Town of Corinth, he was raised by King Polybus and his wife, Merope, as their own child. Oedipus learning […]. The role of woman in each of these works play a significant role in each yet they are all portrayed in different aspects.

The Epic of Gilgamesh is a very old story yet still the role of women in the story is very much important. If you take it from the biological perspective, the females are […]. Oedipus — the King of Thebes — was one of the best-known heroes of all the Greek legends. He had dark, wavy hair and resembled what a perfect, attractive human man would look like. His ankles were covered with scars and he was blind. Oedipus biological parents were King Laius and Queen Jocasta and his foster parents were King […]. This is linked to the theme of the inevitability of fate. There are […]. In Oedipus Rex by Sophocles, when Thebes is struck with the aid of a plague, the human beings ask King Oedipus to supply them from its horrors. Creon further discloses that the residents of Thebes need to find out and punish the murderer before the […].

Have you ever been blinded to the truth? Sometimes there is more to reality then meets the eye and our own ignorance can lead us down a path that can lead to tragedy. Physical blindness is considered a disability, although blindness to the truth can be much worse. The demise of a person can be as simple as a lack of insight and the blindness to the truth. In both tragedies, King Lear and Oedipus Rex, blindness is symbolic throughout […]. As part of three Theban plays written by Sophocles, Oedipus Rex is the story of man who consults an oracle and learns of his fate; that he will kill his father and marry his mother. Later, Oedipus becomes king after defeating the Sphinx, that was terrorizing his birth home.

When a plague strikes the city, Oedipus goes in search of the murderer in order to rid of the plague. While […]. While comparing the similarities between Oedipus and Creon, they both accepted their guilt behind their actions, felt guilty for their actions and Creon would make a better position as a president for Oedipus accepts his guilt when he realizes that he murdered his father and slept with his mother and also finds Jocasta dead. Oedipus then later blinds himself from facing reality and the actual truth. Themes are a key factor to have in stories. They express a lesson, message, or point of view of the author. A theme can connect all parts of a story.

This play tells the story of King Oedipus and his quest to lift a plague off of his city. Through out the story, Oedipus is ignoring the truths that are told […].

Oedipus journey through the story to his dark fate has made this play one of the more popular plays among Greek mythologies. Many themes are brought up in the play, we see tragic flaws, the concept of inescapable fate and free will throughout the story. Due to the journey we see Oedipus take, he fits the mold of a tragic hero as defined by […]. Some people tend to view blindness as a physical disability that resembles inferiority. Others believe that blindness defines ignorance as one is unaware of their surroundings or actions. As people become biased toward certain views, it can cause […]. The Greek tragedy of Oedipus Rex has many examples of irony. He is tortured by the constant twist of his own fate.

The play shows examples of three types of irony, verbal irony, situational irony, and dramatic irony, all of which lead to Oedipus causing his own loss of sight. Verbal irony is the use of words to mean something different from what they seem to […]. Oedipus the King begins with Oedipus, the king of Thebes. He is conversing with the priest over the plague that has been on the city of Thebes. Oedipus says he will do whatever it takes to catch the murder of King Laius. In the end, we see that Oedipus did not have to look very far, for he was the killer of the precious king. He punishes […]. In the city of Thebes, there is a plague of infertility that strikes.

Just as the plants do not grow so is women not able to bear children. Creon informs King Oedipus that until the killer of King Laius is identified, the plague cannot be ended. Oblivious to the truth, King Oedipus sets to find out who the killer is and swears to punish the individual. Most of the times, people may have their physical sight, but blind themselves for […]. Oedipus was ignorant of his reality regardless of his vision. Teiresias, then again, could simply see the truth. By this mean, mental blindness could be more regrettable than physically blindness, as one who cannot use their […]. Major Characters: One major character in the story is Oedipus Rex. He is the main protagonist, who is the king of Thebes.

Oedipus is portrayed as a dynamic character throughout the piece. He was notorious for his intelligence and being able to solve riddles. He saved the city of Thebes from a plague by telling a riddle to the Sphinx. Oedipus is a dynamic character because throughout the story he is finding more about his own self. Oedipus tries to […]. Introduction The tragedy of Oedipus lies in the kings admirable search for truth and openness that meets with obstruction from those who would hide this truth and from his own figurative blindness to truth. Oedipus, the ruler of Thebes, murdered his father and married his mother. Such […]. Finding Poetics in History The common saying about war, depression, political events, and history is that it repeats itself.

The Poetics, only pages, is a common thread that is sewn through the evolution of theatre from BCE to present day. In the oracle at Delphi, a prophetic vision claims that King Laius? is fated to be killed by the hands of his son. Neglecting the truth, Laius abandons his son to die on the mountainside as an act of resistance against the gods. Eventually, Laius is murdered where three roads meet towards Delphi. Years later, plagued by death, the city of Thebes is reigned by its powerful king Oedipus who seeks to avenge the death of its predecessor Laius. Apollo […]. Oedipus displays the Aristotelian elements of a tragic hero when his hamartia causes him to suffer a peripeteia in which he loses all that he holds dear, his catharsis offers some relief from the pain of his downfall, and ultimately this tragedy creates a legacy that suggests fate is an uncontrollable force that cannot be altered.

Oedipus Rex suffers great tragic flaw throughout the play. From the beginning Oedipus will never be able to escape his fate. A prophecy is […]. Before a world of advanced entertainment and technology, there was Greek theater. Unlike many stories told today, ancient Greek tragedies seldom ended well. The heroic qualities of the protagonist were often overshadowed by a horrific human failure. Yet, when written well, a story can elicit strong feelings of sympathy for the damaged hero while simultaneously teaching greek cultural values. The play, Oedipus the King, by Sophocles, showcases the tragic fate of Oedipus while displaying that he is still capable of […]. Geographically the story takes place in Athens, Greece. Since this is the case, it is a traditional tragedy, and if a story takes place in Greece, the time of the story is the fifth century, BCE.

I know that this is a traditional tragedy since there is a king in the story, and there are not kings in the modern tragedies, also […]. The ancient Greeks built the first theaters, invented and mostly wrote two types of drama; tragedy and comedy. A tragedy is a serious drama about common themes, such as betrayal or love. In ancient times, Greece had three notable dramatists who wrote tragedies, one of whom was Sophocles. Sophocles was an ancient Greek playwright from to BC. He came from a wealthy family and recieved a good education. His father is Sophillius, a rich armour manufacturer, and grew […]. Oedipus is the king of Thebes, having solved the riddle of the Sphinx and saved the city from destruction. But now a plague is devistraing Thebes, and various oracles and bird entrails suggest it is because the murderer of the old king, Laius, still lives in the kingdom unpunished.

Oedipus decides to investigate the murder to alleviate everyone, including himself, only to discover he himself is the one who killed Laius and married his queen, Jocasta. Then he finds out […]. One of the most interesting and tragic ideas about reading Oedipus by Sophocles is that we know what Oedipus does not. We know that he unknowingly killed his father. The idea of fate, or fulfilling a prophecy is complicated in this story. Oedipus, has no control of this story line, and could no way have changed what was already in place from the time of his birth. That he marries his mother, becoming […]. When Oedipus was born, King Laius gained from a prophet that he was bound to be slaughtered by his very own child, thus requested Jocasta, his better half, to kill Oedipus.

At the Town of Corinth, he was raised by King Polybus and his wife, Merope, as their own child. Oedipus learning […]. The role of woman in each of these works play a significant role in each yet they are all portrayed in different aspects. The Epic of Gilgamesh is a very old story yet still the role of women in the story is very much important. If you take it from the biological perspective, the females are […]. Oedipus — the King of Thebes — was one of the best-known heroes of all the Greek legends. He had dark, wavy hair and resembled what a perfect, attractive human man would look like. His ankles were covered with scars and he was blind. Oedipus biological parents were King Laius and Queen Jocasta and his foster parents were King […]. This is linked to the theme of the inevitability of fate.

There are […]. In Oedipus Rex by Sophocles, when Thebes is struck with the aid of a plague, the human beings ask King Oedipus to supply them from its horrors. Creon further discloses that the residents of Thebes need to find out and punish the murderer before the […]. Have you ever been blinded to the truth? Sometimes there is more to reality then meets the eye and our own ignorance can lead us down a path that can lead to tragedy. Physical blindness is considered a disability, although blindness to the truth can be much worse. The demise of a person can be as simple as a lack of insight and the blindness to the truth.

In both tragedies, King Lear and Oedipus Rex, blindness is symbolic throughout […]. As part of three Theban plays written by Sophocles, Oedipus Rex is the story of man who consults an oracle and learns of his fate; that he will kill his father and marry his mother. Later, Oedipus becomes king after defeating the Sphinx, that was terrorizing his birth home. When a plague strikes the city, Oedipus goes in search of the murderer in order to rid of the plague. While […]. While comparing the similarities between Oedipus and Creon, they both accepted their guilt behind their actions, felt guilty for their actions and Creon would make a better position as a president for Oedipus accepts his guilt when he realizes that he murdered his father and slept with his mother and also finds Jocasta dead.

Oedipus then later blinds himself from facing reality and the actual truth. Themes are a key factor to have in stories. They express a lesson, message, or point of view of the author. A theme can connect all parts of a story. This play tells the story of King Oedipus and his quest to lift a plague off of his city. Through out the story, Oedipus is ignoring the truths that are told […].

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WebDec 4,  · Oedipus Rex Essay. During the times of the Ancient Greeks, the pursuit of knowledge was an important part of their society. Although throughout the Greek WebFeb 21,  · Oedipus Rex and the Burial at Thebes are presenting two very different audiences with two different ways of ruling over a country. Each of them appeals to its WebOedipus Rex We found 42 free papers on Oedipus Rex Essay Examples Sight but No Vision Oedipus Rex Vision Words: (6 pages) The only thing worse than being blind WebOedipus Rex Essay Topics 1. The philosopher Aristotle considered Oedipus Rex a paragon among plays, and used it to expand on his theory of catharsis—the idea that WebJun 18,  · Top Oedipus Rex Essay Topics 1. Faith in God As Portrayed in the Oedipus Rex Play 2. Fate and Destiny as Portrayed in The Oedipus Rex 3. How WebIn Oedipus Rex by Sophocles, when Thebes is struck with the aid of a plague, the human beings ask King Oedipus to supply them from its horrors. Creon, the brother of ... read more

html Morissey, Christopher. Introduction The tragedy of Oedipus lies in the kings admirable search for truth and openness that meets with obstruction from those who would hide this truth and from his own figurative blindness to truth. Thus, Oedipus represents a kind of ignorant struggle against the ideological forces which control anyone in society, a struggle that can never succeed so long as those forces remain indistinct and ephemeral. London: George. Finally, the hero must evoke a sense of pity or sympathy from the audience before the play's conclusion. Creon the Play Oedipus the Words: Oedipus says he will do whatever it takes to catch the murder of King Laius.

Sorry, oedipus rex essay topics, but you cannot copy from our website. Oedipus Rex the Delphic Oracle Words: Oedipus learning […]. Poetry, like Oedipus Rex, helps illustrate Aristotle's point that human happiness is dependent upon one's grasp of reality. Oxford University Press U.

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