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Coral reef essay

Coral reef essay

Coral Reef Essay: Descriptive Writing How-to Guide,Work Cited

WebCoral reefs are an environment to a vast range of different species. 25% of all global reefs have been destroyed by humans. 60% percent of coral reefs are under threat by WebCoral Reef Essay The coral reef is a vital part of our ocean. Coral also is a big part of life for people who live near coastal regions. We need to identify the causes of coral WebMar 1,  · Coral reefs are one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world. The name rain forest of the sea I sometimes used for describing coral reefs. Coral reef occupies WebFeb 1,  · Coral reefs are some of the most diverse ecosystems in the world. Coral polyps, the animals primarily responsible for building reefs, can take many forms: large Missing: essay WebThe coral reef is a vital part of our ocean. Coral also is a big part of life for people who live near coastal regions. We need to identify the causes of coral degradation, and find ways ... read more

But there is much more some individuals may not know. Some shallow and deep oceans are home to coral. These groups of coral are classified as marine invertebrates. They breathe and consume microscopic animals called zooplankton. Coral reefs receive their energy from the sunlight, they turn it sugars for their energy. The marine invertebrates are living things that are a vital part of the ocean and human beings. Saldy these communities are in major trouble. Coral reefs are found in shallow tropical waters along the shores of islands and continents. Coral bleaching is a topic that gets left in the dust. Not many people really pay attention or show much interest in it. Widespread bleaching, involving major coral reef regions and resulting in mass coral mortality has raised concerns about linkage of the events to global phenomenons including global warming or climate change and increased UV radiation from ozone depletion.

Corals provide a lot not just for us humans but for marine life as well. Marine Biology provides information about how bleaching happens and how it affects the coral. The key environmental points are that coral reefs provide important ecosystem goods and services for the maritime tropical and subtropical nations. Within the past two centuries, the main drivers of massive acceleration in the decrease of coral reef species that have caused widespread changes in reef ecosystems has been due to the direct and indirect effects of overfishing and pollution during agriculture and land development.

Since markets for fish have gone global, along with other natural resources, reduced stocks of herbivorous fish and the nutrients from land-based activities have caused corals to be replaced with fleshy seaweed. Coral reef ecosystems around the globe are threatened by human interferences and climate change. This has led to many scientists conducting studies on global coral reef ecosystems to gain a better understanding of the cause and effects of coral reef damage. Hodgson's study involved conducting a survey on global coral reef ecosystems to see whether human actions were affecting the health of supposed pristine Coral reefs.

Carpenter et al. Coral reefs are one of the oldest types of living systems on earth, and certainly one of the most spectacular Goreau, They are massive underwater structures formed by the limestone skeletons of tiny invertebrate animals. Reefs house a greater diversity of body forms, chemistry, and animal phyla thirty-two compared to the eight that inhabit the most biodiversity ecosystems on land. Phyla comprise the second largest category of living things, after kingdoms. Coral reefs not only protect coastlines and beaches from wave damage and erosion, but also are the basis for the fishing and tourism industries. It extends for 2, kilometers km , covers , square km and contains 2, reefs, coral cays and continental islands White Historically, it has been ahead of the rest of the world in terms of recognizing and addressing problems associated with reef degradation.

The bleaching of coral reefs is when warm water forces algae to leave the reef. Once the algae disappear, the coral goes from a vibrant color to a pale white. The biggest bleaching events to have occurred in. In , the worst bleaching event was recorded. In some parts of the world, live corals were completely harmed Coghlan. Aside from its biologically diverse ecosystems, coral reefs are major source of food for millions and provides habitats and nursery areas for many marine organisms. Coral reefs also act as a physical buffer to protect the coastlines from tropical storms and erosion.

In addition, many local communities rely on coral reefs to generate an income through activities such as fishing and diving. This essay looks at the human impacts constantly being inflicted on coral reefs. Essay Topics Writing. Home Page Research The Coral Reefs Essay. The Coral Reefs Essay Good Essays. Open Document. Coral reefs are not just rock, like some people believe, but are an animal. Corals are a type of animal called a polyp, the simplest of predators that eat meat in the form of drifting zooplankton…all corals have boarders, zillions of microscopic, one-celled plants called zooxanthellae that live inside the polyps and transform sunlight into oxygen, keeping the corals alive.

As you will see, the corals need these algae in order to live, but too much is deadly. Coral reefs …show more content… When a coral is bleached, it means that all the zooxanthella are expelled, exposing the corals limestone skeleton. A coral can live for a time bleached, but if not revived, the coral will die. Soil runoff is caused by many activities. Logging, mining, farming, dredging, and other coastal activities are some of the main culprits. The loose sediment these activities create wash over the coral reefs , blocking out the sunlight, reducing the zooxanthellae photosynthesis and therefore the quantity of energy available to the coral polyps.

If the sediment settles on the reef, the polyps have to work together in waves to attempt to uncover themselves and produce extra quantities of mucus to try to wash off the particles. This stresses the coral, weakening it and having less energy to reproduce. If the stress is not relived, the corals will bleach and perhaps die. Logging is one of the worst causes of sediment runoff, and the clearing of mangroves only exerbates the problem. Mangroves usually grow along the coastline and trap the soils that normally wash into the water. When these mangroves are cleared, they can no longer provide this essential function. Dredging is as harmful as sediment runoff. Resorts will dredge a.

Get Access. Decent Essays. Coral Bleaching Essay Words 5 Pages. Coral Bleaching Essay. Read More. Satisfactory Essays. Thus atolls mark the position of the former islands Fig 91a. More recent researches by oceanographers have revealed that the ocean floor has, in fact, been subjected to subsidence especially in the Pacific. Amongst the other theories, perhaps the American geographer, R. During his visit to Mauna Kea in Hawaii, he noticed the close relationship between glaciations and the develop­ment of coral reefs.

He believed that during the height of the Ice Ages, the water was too cold for any coral growth to take place. With the absence of a coral barrier, marine erosion was able to attack and lower the islands. With the return of the warmer climate, the water that was locked up in the ice sheets melted. Consequently, there was a rise in the sea level which in some cases, submerged these lower islands. On these wave-planed platforms, corals began to grow upwards at the rate of a foot in a decade to keep pace with the rising water level Fig 91b. Coral reefs, where islands still project above sea level, and atolls were thus formed. However the deepest borings reveal basaltic rocks. These correspond to the subsided islands envisaged by Darwin.

Thus a combination of the two theories accounts for all the important features of coral reefs and atolls. The water temperature must not fall below 68°F. This virtually limits the areal dis­tribution of corals to the tropical, and sub-tropical zones. Again they will not flourish where there are cold currents because of the upwelling of the cold water from the depths that cools the warm surface water. This explains why coral reefs are generally absent on the western coasts of continents. On the other hand the warming effect of the warm currents. the Gulf Stream, means that corals are found far to the north of the West Indies in the Atlantic Ocean.

The Pacific and the Indian Oceans, however, have the most numerous coral reefs. The depth of the water should not exceed 30 fathoms or feet, because beyond this depth sunlight is too faint for photosynthesis to take place. This is essential for the survival of the microscopic algae, on which the coral polyps depend. Shallow water of less than feet is ideal. But there should always be plenty of water as polyps cannot survive for too long out of water. The water should be saltish and free from sediment. Corals therefore survive best in the moving ocean water well away from the silty coasts or muddy mouths of streams. The corals are best developed on the seaward side of the reef, where constantly moving waves, tides and currents maintain an abundant supply of clear, oxygenated water.

A fringing reef is a coralline platform lying close to the shore extending outwards from the mainland. It is sometimes separated from the shore by a shallow lagoon. It is widest when fringing a protruding headland but completely absent when facing the mouth of a stream. The outer edge grows rapidly because of the splashing waves that continuously renew the supply of fresh food. The reefs may be about a mile wide, lying just above the level of low water and sloping steeply downwards on the seaward side to a depth of about feet Fig. A barrier reef is separated from the coast by a much wider and deeper channel or lagoon Fig. The reef is partially submerged. Where it lies above the water level and sand can accumulate on it, a little vegetation is possible.

The barrier reefs have narrow gaps at several places to allow the water from the enclosed lagoon to return to the open ocean. Such gaps are very useful for shipping and provide the only entrances for ships to enter or leave the lagoon. The best known barrier reef is the Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Queensland, Australia. It is 1, miles long, separated from the coast by a channel miles wide in places and over feet deep. Atolls are similar to barrier reefs except that they are circular in shape, enclosing a shallow lagoon without any land in the center. The encircling ring is usually broken in a few places to allow the free flow of water Fig. On the inside of the reefs, sand and limestone debris collect and palm trees like coconuts may grow. Such palm trees thrive well in the brackish water of the lagoon.

The nuts fall into the water and are distributed widely by floating from one coral island to another. The calm waters are useful for fishing and canoeing. Some of the large atolls, e. Suvadiva in the Maldives, west of Ceylon, have a lagoon over 40 miles across. A number of them provide essential air bases for trans-Pacific aircraft. Top Menu BiologyDiscussion. com Follow Us On: Facebook Twitter Google Plus Publish Now. Navigation Home Static Main Menu Home Questions and Answers Forum Share Your Knowledge Content Quality Guidelines Disclaimer Privacy Policy Contact Us.

Related Articles: Coral Reefs: Definition, Components and Types Coral Reefs: Definition, Types and Distribution Skeleton. Essay on Viruses. Essay on Mutation Biology. This is a question and answer forum for students, teachers and general visitors for exchanging articles, answers and notes. Answer Now and help others. Answer Now. Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits.

We use cookies to enhance our website for you. Proceed if you agree to this policy or learn more about it. Buy now, save instantly, get the job done on time! Type of paper: Essay. Topic: Vitamins , Sea , Community , Water , Animals , Nutrition , World , Coral Reef. Pages: 3. Words: Tropical coral reefs are deep-sea habitat made of calcium carbonate. Corals secrete the calcium carbonate making most of the coral reefs. They occur in warm tropical waters with bountiful sunlight necessary for their survival. Coral reefs are made up of tiny marine creatures made up of few nutrients. Stony corals consisting of polyps make the basis for most of the coral reefs. Polyps belong to group cnidarians in the animal kingdom. This group of animals also consist the jellyfish and anemones.

Different from the sea anemones, coral polyps secrete a hard exoskeleton made up of carbonate offering mechanical support to their bodies. Reefs grow best in shallow, clear, and warm waters. For maximum growth, sunny and agitated waters provide the perfect conditions in addition to the warmth and shallowness. Coral reefs are one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world. The name rain forest of the sea I sometimes used for describing coral reefs. Coral reef occupies less than 0. There is also the existence of deep-sea corals as well as some corals thriving in cold waters. Live corals are colonies of small animals embedded in calcium carbonate shell. Accumulations of small animals called polyps make up the heads of coral reefs.

The individual polyps are tiny but accumulate to form a head of approximately 12 inches in size. Reef building coral also known as, hermtypic corals live within 50 m from the surface in areas with sufficient penetration by sunlight hence allowing formation of nutrients by photosynthesis. Coral polyps, on the other hand, do not photosynthesize but rather live in a symbiotic relationship with zooxanthellae. These organisms live within the tissues of coral polyps providing them with the required nutrients for survival. As reefs grow, other organisms deposit their calcium carbonate exoskeletons therefore forming the basis of coral reefs. Coralline algae form an important part of stabilizing the reefs in areas where the reefs are affected by mechanical waves. The algae offer mechanical strength to the coral reefs by depositing limestone in sheets over the reefs hence preventing them from collapsing.

The shape of the coral reefs vary depending on various factors including the history of the reefs, the duration of exposure to sunlight Chappell and mechanical events such as breakages and collapse. The mode of reproduction of corals varies between sexual and asexual depending on the type. Reproductive cells found on the mesentery membrane radiate inside from the stomach cavity. Some of the species of corals change sex as they grow but still reproduce sexually. The eggs are internally fertilized within the polyp and develop to a tiny larva also called a Panola.

Some polyps have their eggs externally fertilized but still grow to form a larva before fully becoming an adult. Reproduction requires calm water with less wave movements especially tor polyps that have external fertilization Polovina, Jeffrey J The ideal timing for reproduction occurs during spring while the period between release and settlement of the eggs taking only a few days. Coral reefs play a major role in the tropical waters. They prevent the movements of sharks to the beaches. Coral reefs also play an important role in tourism and economy. Since they form a habitat for fish, areas around the reefs form productive fishing grounds. They also provide a habitat for the survival of other marine animals apart from fish hence contributing to the larger marine ecosystem.

Cárdenas, Anny, et al. Glynn, P. Polovina, Jeffrey J. Note: this sample is kindly provided by a student like you, use it only as a guidance. ID Password recovery email has been sent to email email. Don't waste time. I agree. HIRE A WRITER Sign in. World of Writing Hub Blog Free Essay Writing Tools Quizzes and Tests Essay Topics Types of Essays Free Essay Examples. Who We Are Contact Us Our Writers Our Guarantees FAQ Honor Code WowEssays Reviews Our Services. ORDER PAPER LIKE THIS. Work Cited Cárdenas, Anny, et al. Cite this page Choose cite format: APA MLA Harvard Vancouver Chicago ASA IEEE AMA. Accessed 07 February Good Example Of Essay On Coral Reefs. March Accessed February 07, Retrieved February 07, com, Mar Free Essay Examples - WowEssays.

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Essay on Coral Reefs,2. �� Coral Reef Essay Structure

WebFeb 1,  · Coral reefs are some of the most diverse ecosystems in the world. Coral polyps, the animals primarily responsible for building reefs, can take many forms: large Missing: essay WebThe coral reef is a vital part of our ocean. Coral also is a big part of life for people who live near coastal regions. We need to identify the causes of coral degradation, and find ways WebCoral reefs are an environment to a vast range of different species. 25% of all global reefs have been destroyed by humans. 60% percent of coral reefs are under threat by WebThe Coral Reefs Can we save “Tropical Rain Forests of the Ocean”? Anyone who’s ever scuba dived at a coral reef and seen the perfect handprint of dead coral can appreciate WebFeb 24,  · Coral reefs are often coined as the rainforests of the sea, and they are one of the most diverse ecosystems on the planet. Although they cover less than 1 percent of WebMar 1,  · Coral reefs are one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world. The name rain forest of the sea I sometimes used for describing coral reefs. Coral reef occupies ... read more

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They act as a major source of nitrogen and other critical nutrients for the hundreds of marine food chains that live close to or in these ecosystems. Best Descriptive Essays That Win Top Marks, coral reef essay. The clown fish. Extinction Risks for Coral Coral reef essay Essay example Words 5 Pages 2 Works Cited. Some people believe that the global warming experienced now is part….

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