Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Should marijuana be legal for medical purposes essay

Should marijuana be legal for medical purposes essay

Americans overwhelmingly say marijuana should be legal for medical or recreational use,Main Content

WebAn overwhelming share of U.S. adults (88%) say either that marijuana should be legal for medical and recreational use by adults (59%) or that it should be legal for medical use WebBesides, there have been talks (for a long while) that marijuana is not only a relaxing, but also a recreational drug, and that in some cases, it can be used for medicinal purposes. WebIt is still illegal from the federal government’s perspective. The Obama administration did not make prosecuting medical marijuana even a minor priority. President Donald Trump WebMarijuana has been used extensively as a medical remedy for more than five thousand years. In the early s, medical usage of marijuana began to decline with WebThe potential medicinal properties of marijuana and its components have been the subject of research and heated debate for decades. THC itself has proven medical benefits in ... read more

such that by , twenty states had legalized medical marijuana. As of the same year, Colorado and Washington had legalized recreational marijuana. The arguments behind the push for legalization majorly revolve around the idea that the drug has medicinal effects. However, there are also arguments that there are serious health effects associated with the drug and this has only further fueled the already raging debate. This paper argues that marijuana should be legalized as it is more beneficial that it may be detrimental to society. Marijuana has not caused any notable negative effects in countries where it has been legalized.

There is a general belief that marijuana consumers are violent. However, no authentic research can prove these assertions. As already seen, some states in the United States have legalized both medicinal and recreational marijuana. In spite of this, no cases of marijuana-related violence have been recorded so far in such states Markol, Reports reveal that the rate of violence and property crimes have decreased in Colorado following the legalization of the drug. If marijuana does not increase violent crimes, there is no reason as to why it should not be legalized. It is also noteworthy that prohibiting marijuana use does not limit its consumption. General reports reveal that marijuana is one of most commonly abused drug in the world.

It is also readily available in most states as it is a naturally growing plant Head, In spite of its continued use, there are few cases, if any, of marijuana-related health complications that have been reported in any of these countries Head, Therefore, if the illegality of marijuana does not limit its consumption, then state governments should consider its legalization. It is widely known that in countries where marijuana is illegal, authorities are stringent and will arrest any individual found in possession of the drug Sanger, However, as earlier mentioned, laws prohibiting the use of the drug do not prevent its consumption, and this means that many people are arrested and prosecuted for possessing it Sanger, State governments therefore use a lot of funds to support law enforcement agencies that seek to uphold laws prohibiting the use of marijuana Sanger, Since these actions do not limit consumption of marijuana, state governments should legalize the drug so as to save taxpayers money.

Another advantage of marijuana is that it is less noxious than other legal substances. According to research, marijuana is the least harmful drug among the many legal drugs existent in the world today Owen, There are millions of campaigns every year cautioning people against smoking cigarettes, but there has been none seeking to warn people about marijuana consumption Owen, Lobby groups have even been making efforts to push for legalization of marijuana. If marijuana had severe health effects as many purport, state governments would be investing heavily in campaigns aimed at discouraging its consumption Owen, According to studies, alcohol, which is legal in many countries, is times more harmful than marijuana Owen, Therefore, if such harmful substances can be legalized, then there are no justifications as to why marijuana should not be legalized.

Further, marijuana has been proven to have medicinal benefits. Several countries, particularly in Europe, and the United States have legalized both medicinal and recreational marijuana. Their move to legalize marijuana was based on medical reports that showed a variety of health benefits linked to the drug Noonan, Research shows that marijuana can reduce seizures in epileptic persons. Several studies have also proven that the drug indeed has a variety of health benefits. For instance, Charlotte Figi, who is now aged 10, used to have more than seizures every month at age three, but since Colorado legalized medicinal and recreational marijuana, her parents started treating her with the substance, and today her seizures have significantly reduced Noonan, Marijuana has as well been proven to reduce nausea in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.

Owing to this medicinal value, state governments should consider legalizing the drug. Additionally, marijuana has been proven to be a stress reliever. Consumption of the drug causes excitement among its users enabling them to forget about troubling situations. Unlike alcohol which is likely to aggravate stress and depression, marijuana works wonders in alleviating anxiety and depression Sanger, There are many health and social effects associated with stress, including mental disorders and violence against others Sanger, To avoid cases of stress-related violence and mental disorders, state governments should make marijuana consumption legal.

There are many misconceptions about marijuana in the world today. People have continued to ignore the health benefits linked with this substance and have instead focused on citing yet-to-be proven misconceptions. Owing to the ability of the drug to stop seizures, nausea, and stress in individuals, governments should seriously consider its legalization. The legalization will also help state governments reduce expenses that result from sustaining suspects convicted of marijuana possession and consumption. So far, there is more than enough evidence proving that marijuana has lots of benefits to individuals, the society, and the government, and therefore should be legalized. Head, T. Markol, T. Marijuana Reform.

Noonan, D. Scientific American. Owen, P. New York Times. Sanger, B. Marijuana use damages the lungs more than cigarette smoking. Among the major arguments against marijuana legalization is often that legalization would yield an increase in drug-impaired driving. Legalization of marijuana would have many benefits. The drug is associated with the treatment of many serious illnesses including the dreaded cancer. Legalization would also save users from consuming unsafe marijuana sold by unscrupulous people. There is an ongoing tension between the belief that marijuana effectively treats a wide range of ailments and the argument that it has far-reaching negative health effects.

There has nevertheless been a drive towards legalization of the drug in the United States with twenty nine states and the District of Columbia having legalized it for medical and recreational purposes. Major public health concerns are being prompted by this rise. This should however not be the case because marijuana has health benefits and should thus be legal. Marijuana slows and stops the spread of cancer cells. A study found that Cannabidiol can turn off a gene called Id-1 and can therefore stop cancer. A report by researchers at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco also indicated that the spread of cancer may be prevented by Cannabidiol. In their lab experiment, the researchers were able to treat breast cancer cells with this component Nawaz, The positive outcome of the experiment showed that Id-1 expression had been significantly decreased.

Marijuana also helps with pain and nausea reduction for people going through chemotherapy. Cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy suffer from severe pains, appetite loss, vomiting, and painful nausea. This can further complicate their already deteriorating health. Marijuana can be of help here by stirring up the appetite, decreasing nausea, and reducing pain Nawaz, There are also other cannabinoid drugs used for the same purposes as approved by the FDA. It was additionally shown by a study that the use of marijuana can control epileptic seizure. In about ten hours, the seizures had been stopped by the drugs Nawaz, It was found that the seizures were controlled by the THC which bound the brain cells responsible for regulating relaxation and controlling excitability.

Marijuana has been hailed as a prescription for many ills and physicians once used it to stimulate appetite, relieve chronic pain, and treat asthma and migraines. But is marijuana really a medical miracle? If so, do its clinical benefits outweigh its drawbacks? Should we legalize marijuana? Is medical marijuana really worth the risks? These are the issues one needs to think about before making the decision to legalize marijuana. There seems to be a pretty big debate about whether marijuana should or should not be legalized. First off, I want to state clearly that my opinion is that it should not, under any circumstances, be legalized. It is fine if it is prescribed to you for medical purposes, but only in the recommended dosage.

First, let's just say what could be good about legalizing marijuana. We could sell it in stores and tax it, thus vastly improving the economy, because we all know how many people out there smoke it illegally. It would decrease the population in our jails for marijuana possession and illegal distribution. Therefore, we would have more room in our jails for people that really should be in there. Let's face it, I would much rather have some big…. Marijuana has been legal for recreational use in Colorado and Washington since Since marijuana was legalized there has not been that much of an impact regarding the legalization of marijuana. There has been an impact on crime, tax revenue and usage rates for a long time. Legalization of marijuana has not reduced the racial disparity in drug arrest in the states.

There are several lessons that can be learned from this. Marijuana has been used around the world for thousands of years to treat a wide variety of ailments. Chinese emperor Shen Nung was the first to record marijuana as a medical drug in B. The legalization of medical marijuana has long been debated within American society and Government. Marijuana was a legal source for medicines in the U. until the Marijuana Tax Act of , which federally prohibited marijuana. Prior to the enactment of the Marijuana Tax Act, there were at least twenty-seven legal medicines that contained marijuana available in the U. In , The Controlled Substances Act placed marijuana into a Schedule I status defining it as having a high potential for abuse, no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the U.

and a lack of accepted safety for use under medical supervision. Currently it remains illegal under federal law in the United States other than the four Americans that were grandfathered under the Compassionate Investigational New Drug Program. Contradictory to federal law, at present, medical marijuana is legalized in sixteen states and Washington, DC. There have been multiple studies and research done by advocates for and against medical marijuana legalization. Although there are strong arguments by both sides, federally legalizing the use of medical marijuana is the better choice because it has beneficial effects to patients suffering from various ailments; it will cause a decrease in recreational use nationwide; and it is less harmful to the user than many other prescription medications.

At present, the pros outweigh the cons when considering the positive benefits to medical marijuana. Marijuana is often portrayed as a dangerous illicit drug by the government and the media, but what if you found out that it cures the symptoms of chronically ill patients and was safer than most other legal substances. Today ladies and gentleman my speech is going to be on the current issue of marijuana legalization and I agree that it should be legalized. Medically the cannabinoids and THC have been proven to help with symptoms of cancers, chronic pain, certain mental disorders, and seizures just to name a few. Grass, skunk, kush, mary jane, chronic: just a few of the slang terms for Marijuana.

Marijuana of Indian origin is the brown, green and gray assimilation of dried leaves, seeds, and stems. This plant is the most commonly abused illicit drug in the United States of America, and the third most used recreational drug behind only tobacco and alcohol. It has been used by nearly million Americans. Of course, in a federal decision big and prolific enough to match Prohibition, there are many underlying political aspects that have to be taken into account. HOME ESSAYS Should Marijuana Be Legalized for Medical Purposes? Essay Example. Should Marijuana Be Legalized for Medical Purposes?

Essay Example Better Essays. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Should Marijuana be Legalized for Medical Purposes? Marijuana has been used extensively as a medical remedy for more than five thousand years. In the early s, medical usage of marijuana began to decline with the advent of alternative drugs. Injectable opiates and synthetic drugs such as aspirin and barbiturates began to replace marijuana as the physician's drug of choice in the twentieth-century, as their results proved to be more consistent than the sometimes erratic effects of the hard-to-dose potencies of marijuana Grinspoon. The Marijuana Tax Act of made cannabis so expensive to obtain that its usage as a medical remedy in the U.

came to a halt. Although now illegal in the U. There are a variety of opinions both for and against the re-legalization of marijuana today. Perhaps the most controversial aspect of the legalization debate is whether marijuana should be legalized for medical purposes. All drugs, both prescription and non-prescription, are federally 'Scheduled' by the DEA Drug Enforcement Agency. A drug's scheduling under Federal law is determined "according to [its] effects, medical uses, and potential for abuse" Claim V. In this classification system, marijuana is a Schedule I drug, grouped with heroin, LSD, hashish, methaqualone, and designer drugs. These are drugs having "unpredictable effects, and [causing] severe psychological or physical dependence, or death" Claim V.

A closer analysis of the DEA's Federal Scheduling system reveals that, according to various studies by physicians on both sides of the legalization debate, marijuana does not meet the requirements of a Schedule I drug, but not those of Schedule II. The difference between the two classes is that Schedule I drugs may lead to death, while those on Schedule II are less likely to do so. Proponents of legalization cite information that. Continue Reading. You May Also Find These Documents Helpful.

Published by gudwriter on May 27, May 27, Most students have serious problems writing a quality essay as they lack the necessary experience. If you need help writing an essay on legalization of marijuana, the perfect solution is to buy thesis proposal from experts online. Thesis: Marijuana should be legalized as it is more beneficial that it may be detrimental to society. There are many misconceptions about marijuana existent in the modern world. People have continued to ignore health benefits linked to this substance citing their unproven beliefs. Owing to its ability to stop seizures, nausea, and stress in individuals governments should highly consider marijuana legalization. Its legalization will also help state governments reduce expenses that result from maintaining suspects convicted of marijuana possession and consumption.

The argument that marijuana use should be made legal has gained momentum both in the U. and elsewhere in the world in recent years. This has seen the drug being legalized in some states in the U. such that by , twenty states had legalized medical marijuana. As of the same year, Colorado and Washington had legalized recreational marijuana. The arguments behind the push for legalization majorly revolve around the idea that the drug has medicinal effects. However, there are also arguments that there are serious health effects associated with the drug and this has only further fueled the already raging debate.

This paper argues that marijuana should be legalized as it is more beneficial that it may be detrimental to society. Marijuana has not caused any notable negative effects in countries where it has been legalized. There is a general belief that marijuana consumers are violent. However, no authentic research can prove these assertions. As already seen, some states in the United States have legalized both medicinal and recreational marijuana. In spite of this, no cases of marijuana-related violence have been recorded so far in such states Markol, Reports reveal that the rate of violence and property crimes have decreased in Colorado following the legalization of the drug.

If marijuana does not increase violent crimes, there is no reason as to why it should not be legalized. It is also noteworthy that prohibiting marijuana use does not limit its consumption. General reports reveal that marijuana is one of most commonly abused drug in the world. It is also readily available in most states as it is a naturally growing plant Head, In spite of its continued use, there are few cases, if any, of marijuana-related health complications that have been reported in any of these countries Head, Therefore, if the illegality of marijuana does not limit its consumption, then state governments should consider its legalization.

It is widely known that in countries where marijuana is illegal, authorities are stringent and will arrest any individual found in possession of the drug Sanger, However, as earlier mentioned, laws prohibiting the use of the drug do not prevent its consumption, and this means that many people are arrested and prosecuted for possessing it Sanger, State governments therefore use a lot of funds to support law enforcement agencies that seek to uphold laws prohibiting the use of marijuana Sanger, Since these actions do not limit consumption of marijuana, state governments should legalize the drug so as to save taxpayers money. Another advantage of marijuana is that it is less noxious than other legal substances.

According to research, marijuana is the least harmful drug among the many legal drugs existent in the world today Owen, There are millions of campaigns every year cautioning people against smoking cigarettes, but there has been none seeking to warn people about marijuana consumption Owen, Lobby groups have even been making efforts to push for legalization of marijuana. If marijuana had severe health effects as many purport, state governments would be investing heavily in campaigns aimed at discouraging its consumption Owen, According to studies, alcohol, which is legal in many countries, is times more harmful than marijuana Owen, Therefore, if such harmful substances can be legalized, then there are no justifications as to why marijuana should not be legalized.

Further, marijuana has been proven to have medicinal benefits. Several countries, particularly in Europe, and the United States have legalized both medicinal and recreational marijuana. Their move to legalize marijuana was based on medical reports that showed a variety of health benefits linked to the drug Noonan, Research shows that marijuana can reduce seizures in epileptic persons. Several studies have also proven that the drug indeed has a variety of health benefits. For instance, Charlotte Figi, who is now aged 10, used to have more than seizures every month at age three, but since Colorado legalized medicinal and recreational marijuana, her parents started treating her with the substance, and today her seizures have significantly reduced Noonan, Marijuana has as well been proven to reduce nausea in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.

Owing to this medicinal value, state governments should consider legalizing the drug. Additionally, marijuana has been proven to be a stress reliever. Consumption of the drug causes excitement among its users enabling them to forget about troubling situations. Unlike alcohol which is likely to aggravate stress and depression, marijuana works wonders in alleviating anxiety and depression Sanger, There are many health and social effects associated with stress, including mental disorders and violence against others Sanger, To avoid cases of stress-related violence and mental disorders, state governments should make marijuana consumption legal.

There are many misconceptions about marijuana in the world today. People have continued to ignore the health benefits linked with this substance and have instead focused on citing yet-to-be proven misconceptions. Owing to the ability of the drug to stop seizures, nausea, and stress in individuals, governments should seriously consider its legalization. The legalization will also help state governments reduce expenses that result from sustaining suspects convicted of marijuana possession and consumption. So far, there is more than enough evidence proving that marijuana has lots of benefits to individuals, the society, and the government, and therefore should be legalized.

Head, T. Markol, T. Marijuana Reform. Noonan, D. Scientific American. Owen, P. New York Times. Sanger, B. Marijuana use damages the lungs more than cigarette smoking. Among the major arguments against marijuana legalization is often that legalization would yield an increase in drug-impaired driving. Legalization of marijuana would have many benefits. The drug is associated with the treatment of many serious illnesses including the dreaded cancer. Legalization would also save users from consuming unsafe marijuana sold by unscrupulous people.

There is an ongoing tension between the belief that marijuana effectively treats a wide range of ailments and the argument that it has far-reaching negative health effects. There has nevertheless been a drive towards legalization of the drug in the United States with twenty nine states and the District of Columbia having legalized it for medical and recreational purposes. Major public health concerns are being prompted by this rise. This should however not be the case because marijuana has health benefits and should thus be legal. Marijuana slows and stops the spread of cancer cells. A study found that Cannabidiol can turn off a gene called Id-1 and can therefore stop cancer.

A report by researchers at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco also indicated that the spread of cancer may be prevented by Cannabidiol. In their lab experiment, the researchers were able to treat breast cancer cells with this component Nawaz, The positive outcome of the experiment showed that Id-1 expression had been significantly decreased. Marijuana also helps with pain and nausea reduction for people going through chemotherapy. Cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy suffer from severe pains, appetite loss, vomiting, and painful nausea. This can further complicate their already deteriorating health.

Marijuana can be of help here by stirring up the appetite, decreasing nausea, and reducing pain Nawaz, There are also other cannabinoid drugs used for the same purposes as approved by the FDA. It was additionally shown by a study that the use of marijuana can control epileptic seizure. In about ten hours, the seizures had been stopped by the drugs Nawaz, It was found that the seizures were controlled by the THC which bound the brain cells responsible for regulating relaxation and controlling excitability. Some scientists claim that marijuana is addictive. According to them, one in ten marijuana users become addicted over time.

They argue that if one stops using the drug abruptly, they may suffer from such withdrawal symptoms as anxiety and irritability Barcott, However, the same argument could be applied to cigarette smoking, which is notably legal. There is need for more studies to be conducted into this claim being spread by opponents of marijuana legalization. It is also argued that marijuana use decreases mental health. Those opposed to the legalization of recreational marijuana like to cite studies that show that users of the drug suffer from memory loss and restricted blood flow to the brain. They also argue that users have higher chances of developing depression and schizophrenia.

However, these assertions have not yet been completely ascertained by science Barcott, The claim about depression and schizophrenia is particularly not clear because researchers are not sure whether the drug triggers the conditions or it is used by smokers to alleviate the symptoms. It is further claimed that marijuana use damages the lungs more than cigarette smoking. It is presumed that marijuana smokers inhale the smoke more deeply into their lungs and let it stay there for longer.

Should Marijuana Be Legal for Medicinal Purposes,Why Marijuana Should be Legalized Argumentative Essay Sample 1

WebWhy Marijuana Should be Legalized Argumentative Essay Sample 1 Outline. Thesis: Marijuana should be legalized as it is more beneficial that it may be detrimental to WebAn overwhelming share of U.S. adults (88%) say either that marijuana should be legal for medical and recreational use by adults (59%) or that it should be legal for medical use WebBesides, there have been talks (for a long while) that marijuana is not only a relaxing, but also a recreational drug, and that in some cases, it can be used for medicinal purposes. WebMarijuana has been used as an herb for centuries. It was prescribed by physicians for a variety of ailments. In fact, marijuana was primarily considered as medicine rather than WebMarijuana has been used extensively as a medical remedy for more than five thousand years. In the early s, medical usage of marijuana began to decline with WebThe potential medicinal properties of marijuana and its components have been the subject of research and heated debate for decades. THC itself has proven medical benefits in ... read more

Be careful. The Internet is full of controversial studies, either claiming that marijuana is bliss and should be legalized everywhere, or stating directly the opposite. Marijuana has not caused any notable negative effects in countries where it has been legalized. Apart from reaping the benefits of marijuana on the treatment of diseases, medical marijuana should also be legalized in order to advance research on its uses. Why Weed Should Be Legal Essay Example.

The drug is associated with the treatment of many serious illnesses including the dreaded cancer. Therefore, lawmakers should regulate the use and the sales of the drug. This would certainly work in the marijuana industry just as it is working in the tobacco and alcohol industries. Therefore, we would have more room in our jails for people that really should be in there. Marijuana can replace many things that are harmful to the environment and thus help to save the environment.

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